Six-Pack Finishers UPDATE – Closing Sunday


Firstly, thank you to everyone who has supported me with my very first online six-pack membership program.

It’s already had a bigger impact than I ever imagined.

A special thanks to those who’ve joined me inside my Six-Pack Finishers online membership area.  You’ve made an AWESOME decision to kick of your 2014 with some rapid fat loss results.

I’ve been super busy with helping members, answering questions, and getting people signed up, but I wanted to post a quick update on the blog.

Here’s a little back story about how the program got started.

Why I decided to put the program together

I thought a lot about just publishing a book, but I wanted to do something unique. My goal, as you may know, is to impact the lives of ONE MILLION people. To make that a reality, I need to break the mould and do things differently to the mainstream.

So, I thought about coaching more people one-one-one. And with the internet, there is a way to do that without traveling around the country.

Anyway, I came up the online membership program so I could give the most detailed, personal fitness and diet advice possible (specific to individual needs and demands).

This is an exclusive online community of go-getters. Everyone gets 24/7 personal access to me. There are dozens of hours of videos, which I’ve been creating over the last few months. Everything is broken down into 4 modules, which have a certain order – so people know the next step to take.

This builds the foundation and ensures that everyone is following the proven fat loss methods I used to lose 27 lbs. of fat in 113 days. (I went from 24% body fat to under 10%.)

If you’re interested or have questions – just email me

Since the promo ends in 3 days, there’s still time to get involved, but if you have any questions, please just email me. I will personally reply.

The real training begins on Monday 20th January, which is why I need to stop entry on Sunday night. There are a few spots left from the original 100 I allocated.

Check out for more detailed information.