Supplement Secrets You’re Missing Out On



Some people love them, some people hate them.

On the one hand, you get those who base their diet around supplements, and have food and training as an afterthought.

Then you have those who will never, ever touch supplements under any circumstances, deeming them “processed” and “un-natural.”

The truth is, both these camps are way off the mark.

Supplements won’t make or break your fat loss – in fact, you don’t NEED them, but there are a few that can have huge benefits, and get you to your goals even quicker than with training and diet alone.

The trouble is, there’s a lot of supplement confusion out there.

But today, I’ll clear that confusion up once and for all.

Vitamin D

Do you live somewhere that’s sunny all the time?

Where it hardly ever rains and you can walk round in short sleeves 11 and a half months of the year.


Then you’d benefit from a vitamin D supplement.

Our bodies synthesize vitamin D from sunshine, and it plays a vital role in immune support and fighting off colds and sickness.

Fish Oil

The healthy fats contained in oily fish have so many benefits that they could make up an entire article of their own.

All I’ll say for now though, is if you want stronger joints, healthier bones, and quicker weight loss, then a fish oil supplement is a must.

You could just eat oily fish every day, but even doing that you wouldn’t get quite enough of the essential fatty acids, plus, do you really want those fishy burps?


Even if you eat a varied diet and include fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, you can’t go wrong with a good quality multivitamin.

They’re inexpensive, easy to get hold of, and will make you feel instantly better.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine isn’t just for bodybuilders or those looking to get bigger and stronger.

It helps in the regeneration of ATP – the fuel your muscles use for exercise – so will mean you can train harder, for longer, and ramp up your results.


Need a boost in your workout?

Then BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are your answer.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Another fat-fighter, CLA helps keep you lean your round, and supports an effective fat loss diet.


For my Carb Cycle program, I rely heavily on Karbolyn.

On the high-carb days, it can actually be difficult to get enough carbohydrate from whole-food sources, so a high-carb powder like Karbolyn is a lifesaver. Not only that, but it digests quickly, making it ideal pre-workout for an insane muscle pump.

Protein Powder

My preferred protein powder is a grass-fed, natural whey powder.


Well, I believe it to be the highest quality out there. I don’t like sugars, sweeteners and additives in my protein powder, so I always recommend people to buy grass-fed whey where possible.

Protein Bars

For a fat loss snack, you can’t beat protein bars.

The only issue with many protein bars, however, is the sneaky added fats, sugars and oils that make their way in when manufacturers try to cut corners.

You don’t get that with Quest Bars though. ☺

I’ll admit – I actually have a bit of a Quest Bar addiction. They’re not the worst thing to be addicted to though – with over 20 grams of protein per bar, and a whole load of fiber, they’re an awesome on-the-go snack.

So, there you have it – my 9 favorite supplements.

Now, you don’t need to buy all of them. In fact, you don’t need to buy any of them, but if you want to try some out, and see how supplements can speed up your progress, these are the ones to go for.

I’ve made specific recommendations in the video, and linked everything that I personally use, so if you want to see these more in-depth, click the link and head on over.