Top 3 Most Critical Times To Consume Protein


Confused over protein? You are not alone. The number of people who either don’t understand how much protein to take in each day or don’t know when the most optimal times to eat it is overwhelming.

In fact, many people don’t even realize that their diet is so low in protein, it’s the most significant factor preventing their success.

Protein is essential for everyone. Man, woman, young, old, training or not, you need protein. Women especially often don’t get enough because they think that eating more protein and particularly taking a protein supplement means they’ll get big and bulky quickly.

I want to assure you that’s not the case. Women simply don’t possess the hormones necessary to pack on lots of muscle mass, especially overnight. It would take years and years of hard work to gain appreciable muscle, and often a number of other supplements.

Back to the protein issue, you must take in protein with each and every meal during the day.  Ideally, you should be at around 1 gram per pound of body weight each day, based on your lean body mass (LBM) to fat ratio. Remember the more lean muscle you have, the higher in proportion to your body weight your protein intake will be. Want to learn more about how much protein you should be consuming?

This protein will help with muscle regeneration and synthesis as well as help you put in the maximum performance in each workout you do.

All of this said, there are three critical times that you really need to focus on getting more.  Let me show you these three times, so you can ensure you aren’t missing out.

Keep reading after the video to learn why you should consume protein…

  • During breakfast
  • In your Post-workout snack/meal
  • Before bed

Why You Should Consume Protein At Breakfast

Take a look at your usual morning meal.  Does it go a little something like this?

½ cup oatmeal with some cinnamon on top along with some fresh fruit and a couple slices of toast?

If so, this is a huge diet disaster.  There’s virtually no protein or healthy fat in this meal, so you’ll be in for a quick energy boost followed by an even quicker and more significant energy crash.

If you always feel horrible mid-morning, your breakfast is why.  Try changing it up.  The oatmeal and fruit are ok at best, but add some protein and healthy fats in there.

A few eggs or slices of lean turkey bacon along with some avocado or a small handful of nuts will do the trick.  Eat this and watch your energy level soar – all the way until lunch. Aim for 30 grams minimum at breakfast.

Post Workout for More Protein

You’ve likely heard of the ‘post workout window’ before. This basically means there’s a short time post workout when your body is prepared to take up any nutrients you feed it rapidly.  This means faster recovery and faster results – if you feed yourself properly (1, 2).

Aim for some protein along with carbohydrates within 30-60 minutes post workout. Keep fat out of the picture during this time as it’ll just slow down digestion, which is opposite of what you want here.

⚠️ Are you ready to enhance your performance, lose more fat, and build more muscle?

Eat Protein Before Bed

Finally, you need to prepare your body for the overnight fast. This means eating enough quality protein that your body feeds off those amino acids all night long. Plus, consuming protein before bed will help you recover while you are sleeping (3).

The easiest and most convenient way to make sure you are consuming enough protein at the right times is through a quality protein powder. Instead, I’d go for a quality whey isolate or even better, just like our Morellifit Nutrition Protein. This way you can feel good about what you’re putting into your body.

Mix that protein with some whole fat plain yogurt and a few berries and you’ll have the perfect pre-bed meal on your hands.

Remember, these are just the three most important times to eat protein, not the only times.  Eat protein with each meal and snack you consume and you’ll be feeling and looking better in no time.

Bonus: Pre-Workout Protein Consumption

I wanted to make this “The Four Most Critical Times to Consume Protein” but Three sounded a little catchier!

So here’s your bonus 4th time – Pre-Workout

You simply can’t function and perform at your best in a training session without protein in your system. Consuming protein will help you enhance your peak performance and endurance, recover from your workout faster, and it supports muscle development. It will help you burn calories throughout your workout and get you to your goals faster, whether you are trying to put on lean muscle or lose the extra fat (4, 56, 7).

Remember, no protein means no fuel for your muscles. And that means fewer calories burned (8).

This is one of my top tips, no matter what time of exercise you are going and my top tip to any of my clients.

All you have to do is consume one serving of protein every hour before every workout. Every single client I suggest it to reports back how amazing it makes them feel during and after their workouts are done.  

They tell me that they found that they had more energy, recovered better and were able to push harder in the session.

When searching for a protein, you want to make sure you go after the best. This means a clean, grass-fed whey that contains absolutely no artificial ingredients. The last thing you want to do is to sabotage your results because you are consuming a subpar protein. We want to make sure that we are only putting the very best into our body and so made our own grass-fed whey isolate, a pure protein that is sourced from New Zealand because of their strict standards. Morellifit Nutrition Protein is not only one of the cleanest proteins you will find on the market, it is also one of the tastiest!

⚡ Related: Learn Why You Should Switch to Grass-Fed