3 Ways To Burn Fat & Boost Your Metabolism At Home

Are you burning fat at the rate you want? If the answer is no, then you need to focus on cranking up your metabolism. This can be done from the comfort of your own home. So, if you want to use a resistance training program to lose weight, there are a few things to keep in mind. These things will ensure that you burn the maximum amount of fat possible. Let’s take a look at some key things to remember: Consider A Circuit Approach The first thing to think about is structuring your program so that it’s a circuit training set-up.  Circuit training is going to have you moving from one exercise to the next, as quickly as possible, with hardly any rest periods in between. Because of this, it tends to produce the absolute best metabolic boosts possible, causing you to burn off calories at an accelerated pace for the hours post training.  In fact, you can burn calories for up to 24 hours after an intense training session. If you want to increase post-exercise calorie burn; aka the “after-burn” effect, circuit training is an effective way.  Just be sure to challenge yourself and lift heavy enough weights to keep resistance up for high intensity and maximum results. Cardio Intervals Next, you need to add intervals of cardio 
if you aren’t going to implement circuit training into your resistance training. Place short bouts of cardio in between sets when you’d typically be resting.  This will keep your heart rate higher throughout the workout and allow you to ‘kill two birds with one stone’, avoiding long, boring and repetitious cardio training afterwards. Here are some of the best exercises and combined movements for your circuit training program: -mountain climbers -burpees -jumping jacks -jump squats -box jumps Don’t Forget About Your Diet Lastly, but most importantly, do not forget about your diet. Diet is one of the most crucial things, and you’ll need to be disciplined if you want to endure lasting success in health and fitness. Many people think that they can just exercise their way to fat loss, however, you’re in for a rude awakening if you don’t balance your life with a healthier diet. If you aren’t making better choices in the kitchen, it’s going to be very difficult to accomplish health and wellness.  Once you get going, don’t look back; because once you get there, you’ll wonder why you waited so long. Always make sure you are aware of what you’re eating throughout the day, if you’re conscious of it you can control it. Crash diets are a no-no and can cause more harm than good. Remember that the goal is long term success and sustainability. Let’s get fit together! Tweet 0 Share 1 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Sculpt Your Shoulders – Workout with Kristen

Welcome back for another Coaches custom workout! This custom workout is brought to you by Kristen. This is her shoulder sculpting workout, that at the end totals 500 reps! Are you up to the 500 rep challenge?! Here it is! The video shows you all of the different exercises. Now here is how to put them together. Superset 1: x5 = 60 reps Seated Arnold Press – 10 reps Seated Dumbbell Press (same weights) – 5 reps Superset 2: x 5 sets = 100 reps Dumbbell Lateral Raises (heavier weight) – 10 reps Dumbbell Lateral Raises (lighter raises) – 10 reps Rear Delt Cable Crossovers: 10 x10 = 100 reps Upright Row Pyramid: x3 = 90 reps Barbell Upright Row (heavy weight) – 10 reps Barbell Upright Row – drop weight 30% – 10 reps Barbell Upright Row – drop 30% weight again – 10 reps Superset 3: x5 = 100 reps Cable Single Lateral Raises – 10 reps each arm Cable Single Front Raises – 10 reps each arm Barbell Military Strict Press: 10 reps x 5  = 50 reps = 500 total reps This workout is a great way to challenge yourself and push your shoulder workout to a whole new level. If you’re looking for other ways to challenge yourself try HIIT Max and mix up your routines with a little bit of high intensity interval training. Changing up your workouts is the best way to see results. If you like this work out, let us know below and suggest other workouts for our coaches! Tweet 2 Share 4 +1 2 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

How to Set Up New Year’s Resolutions That Stick

Did you know that as many as 25% of all people who make New Year resolutions fail within the first week? Scary stuff, huh? And that’s why I waited until now to put this blog out. See, if had I released this at the end of December, or the very start of January, it wouldn’t have been much use – you’d have been all amped up and ready to go. That fire in your belly would be there to get on and smash your 2015 goals. But now though – over 50% of you will probably have slipped up, and perhaps already even given up for another year. But I don’t think that’s the case, and even if you have made a bit of a resolution faux pas, there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t get back on the grind, and CRUSH it for the rest of the year. After all, if you’re reading this and following me, that sets you apart from all the others who’ve already broken their resolutions. So read on to find out how to set New Year resolutions that stick. Step 1: 7-Day Goal A year’s a long time, right? That doesn’t mean we need to look that far in advance though. Sure, you may want to drop 30, 40, or perhaps even 50 pounds. Perhaps you desperately want that six-pack, but know it’s still a ways off. It’s great to have lofty ambitions, but you need to start small. Give yourself a goal to hit over the next 7 days, and keep it simple. It could be something like – –       Get 5 workouts in this week –       Spend 3 hours per day with your kids –       Get your diet 90% right – whether that’s eating lean protein at every meal, getting 4 servings of veggies a day, or taking all your supplements. Got one? Good, let’s move on. Step 2: 30-Day Goal This is a little different. Switching things on their head, let’s look at a BAD 30-day goal – “I want to lose weight.” This is just far too vague. It doesn’t mean anything – you can lose weight from one day to the next, or drop half a pound by sweating in a sauna, yet neither of these are what you want. Try this instead – It’s February 20th, 30 days from today. I have lost 2 inches in my waist, 7 pounds, and my clothes fit better. I am happier, healthier, and feel more fit than I did just 4 short weeks ago.  See the difference? These goals can be measured. They put you at the finish line. Step 3: Grab a Pen … And write these down.   Get two sticky notes, and write both goals on each. Put one of these in your car (on your steering wheel or your dashboard) and the other on your bathroom mirror. That way, you’ll see them multiple times every single day. Step 4: Call Me! Accountability is a huge part in goal setting, and one that’s all too often overlooked. That’s why I want you to reach out to me. My job is to help you as much as possible, and I want to empower you to achieve great things and crush your goals this year. None of us can get where we want on our own – we need that support and motivation. So get in touch – either by commenting here or on the video, on Facebook, on Instagram or via email, and let me know how you’re doing. If you tell me what I can do for you – whether that’s creating products, hosting webinars, or putting out blog posts on different topics – I’m happy to do it.   The Proof is in the Pudding Since implementing these tactics – the 7-day and 30-day goals, writing them down on sticky notes, and the accountability factor, I’ve hit every goal I’ve set for myself. Before this, I was haphazard and sporadic, and 9 times out of 10, I failed. So follow my lead, break down your goals, and let’s get fit together in 2015. Oh, and if you need some help losing that last bit of winter excess? Then HIIT MAX could be perfect for you, you can check it out here {insert link to HIIT Max}. Tweet 0 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

The Simple Mind Hack To Make Anything Easier

I read. A lot. I love learning, I love self-development, expanding my knowledge, and above all, helping you guys. And one of the amazing tips I picked up recently is all to do with reaching your goals. Actually, not just achieving your goals, but smashing your targets out of the park, and making them a breeze to accomplish. I learnt this trick from my buddy Tai Lopez. It’s genius, and you will love it. Before I reveal it though, let me tell you what this will help you with.   The Art of Goal Setting Goal setting is key in your success. Without having set, defined, determined and realistic goals, you’ll get nowhere. So many people want to lose weight, get leaner, feel fitter and healthier, live longer, build bigger arms, or finally achieve that six-pack. But few follow through and do it – why is that? It’s rarely a lack of desire, or even a lack of knowledge – rather it’s a lack of goal setting. Or rather, it’s because people are scared to commit, and fail to use contrast bias. And that’s what today’s blog is all about. The Man on the Moon Before we put a man on the moon, how incredibly unachievable and implausible to you thinking shooting someone off into space and having them land on another planet sounded? It must have been pretty crazy, right? Pre-1969, few outside of NASA truly believed we’d ever do it. But we did. Despite this being such a lofty ambition, it was achieved, because a few dedicated, committed and disciplined folk dared to think big. And this is where contrast bias comes in.   How to Use Contrast Bias How tough do you think it will be for you to lose 10 pounds? How about to run that triathlon you’re thinking about? Or to get your ideal beach body? Right now, you might think it’s pretty tough, and therefore, you’re unlikely to give everything 100%. But do me a favor, and put yourself in someone else’s shoes for a moment … So you have 10 pounds to lose and you’re scared. Well what about those guys and girls on ‘The Biggest Loser?’ How about Jared, the Subway guy? Or people who’ve got themselves from being morbidly obese and at death’s door, to slim, fit and healthy? They had a lot more to lose than just 10 pounds, yet they did it. So what’s stopping you from shedding your excess body fat. Let’s talk about performance for a second, too. You might want to run a 5 mile race in, say, 45 minutes. At the moment, if your only exercise is the odd walk or weekly yoga class, then achieving this probably feels like little more than a pipedream. But there are people out there running 5 miles with one leg. Heck, there are amputees and war veterans running 50 miles and completing ultra marathons with one leg. Suddenly, your goals don’t seem quite as scary.   Think About Mr Armstrong Whenever you’re planning your goals, think back to Neil Armstrong. That man on the moon gig – that was huge. Just like losing 200 pounds for someone is huge. Just like conquering a disability to complete an ironman is huge. Your goals – as important as they may be – really don’t seem all that difficult when compared to such immense physical and mental feats. Just bear in mind, whenever you’re a little scared, a little worried and a little nervous about setting yourself a target – be that for weight loss, burning fat, or sports performance – people before you have achieved much more difficult things, and plenty more in the future will do too. Your goals are more than doable, provided you commit to them and back yourself. As always, I’m here in your corner as well, cheering you on every step of the way. If you need me, all you have to do is send me an email, or drop a comment in the video below:   Tweet 1 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Why Soy Is So Dangerous

, wanted to know what they could replace soy with. So, my goal with this post, along with the video below, is to merely provide you with honest fitness information that will enable you to uncover previously unknown truths about soy that will enhance your life. As always, you are encouraged to do your own research on the subject after reading this. Now, it’s time to uncover the cold, hard truths regarding soy. The Truth about Soy Soy contains trypsin inhibitors, which inhibit protein digestion and impair pancreatic function. This leads to digestive distress. Soy increases the amount of Vitamin D required by your body, a vitamin that many are already deficient in. Soy increases levels of phytic acid, thereby reducing the assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc. Soy causes phytoestrogens to disrupt endocrine function, potentially leading to infertility and an increased likelihood of breast cancer in adult women.   Soy and Commercialism Before I discovered the truth about soy, I used to consume tons of soy. I used to have soy milk in my coffee. I used to eat products that contained soy. And if you go to the grocery store and grab something off the shelf, chances are it has soy and corn in it. That’s why it is important to remain mindful of soy ingredients when grocery shopping. A large majority of items in grocery stores contain soy, as well as corn, since both are cheap to produce. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, the average food manufacturer or company’s main priority is not you. Rather, it is the amount of profit they are making off of you. Consequently, the cheapest, which also happen to be the unhealthiest, soy and other unhealthy ingredients are thrown into their products and sold at a higher price in order to maximize profit. That’s the hard truth about soy. It is what it is. So what are better choices and alternatives to soy milk, tofu, or other soy products? Alternative Sources of Protein If you follow my work often, you are aware that I advocate the consumption of “whole foods” that are derived from as close to nature as possible. So, try to get proteins from sources such as turkey, chicken, beef, and high-quality lean meats. If you are going to consume whey protein, opt for a “Whey Protein Isolate” or a grass-fed whey product in order to avoid consumption of the harmful and toxic chemicals found in regular whey products. And, if you are drinking soy milk regularly, you can switch to almond or coconut milk instead. You also can even drink a conservative amount or little bit of whole milk…as in whole, organic (from pasture-raised cows) whole milk. Those are some alternatives to soy. I hope you found it useful. And, I love hearing from, getting your feedback, and answering your questions. So, please share your comments or ask questions below.   Tweet 2 Share 25 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

How to Spot Reduce and Target Fat

The question I get asked every single day from people all across the world is “how do I spot reduce or target fat?” In other words, they want to know how to get rid of flab, specifically in one area of the body such as the thighs, stomach area, or arms. So, if you are wondering how to target that last bit of fat you just cannot seem to get rid of, the short answer is you simply cannot “target” and reduce fat in one specific area. While it is true that you can tighten muscles in a specific region, you cannot spot reduce fat. To reach your goal, you are going to have to burn fat and calories via a well-rounded, full-body workout routine. That’s what this post and the video below is all about. So, what is the absolute best way to burn fat and burn calories? Fat Burning with Weights The first and best thing to burn fat is weight training. If you are not hitting the weights, you are doing yourself a disservice. To burn fat you must do some weight training. Simply running, no matter how often or how far, will most likely fail to provide you with the results you desire. And, if you are already running on the treadmill morning, noon, and night, chances are you are not getting the results that you want, or you are going to hit a fat-burning plateau. You must implement weights to get over this fat-burning plateau. Try using free weights before your run. Or, make a schedule where you do aerobic exercise every other day, and weight training on the days in between. Using Machines Instead If weights of any kind are foreign and unappealing to you, I recommend hitting the gym to use their exercise machines. What I recommend is upper-body/lower-body workout protocol. Go from an upper-body machine to a lower-body machine with a little bit of rest in between and continue to do that. Pick a total of eight exercises and continue to go back and forth for 40 to 50 minutes. Doing so proves far more beneficial when it comes to fat-burning than an hour of cardio. Then to finish it off your weight training (or machines resistance training); do some HIIT training, High-Intensity Interval Training, for short bursts followed by some rest. High-Intensity Interval Training High-intensity interval training (HIIT) consists of short bursts of intense exercise with brief breaks in between to rest. HIIT burns fat and calories exceptionally well and at an accelerated rate. Weight train (or machines) for forty minutes, followed by twenty minutes of some form of HIIT.This right here is an amazing training session protocol to reduce fat and burn calories. It doesn’t get any better than this. Burning Fat with HIIT Max For those interested in really burning fat, I recently launched HIIT Max (insanefitnessanywhere.com). It’s a full-fledged High-Intensity Interval Training program. Hundreds of people downloaded it within the first forty-eight hours of its release. And I have received numerous emails from individuals reporting success from using the program. HIIT Max is an inexpensive way to efficiently engage in HIIT. It is far less expensive than a personal trainer, and can be done from the comfort of your own home. I recommend trying it out. It may or may not be right for you. Either way, be sure to implement some sort of high-intensity interval training into your exercise routine. In conclusion, there is no short cut to reduce fat in one specific area. However, following the above methods will help you reduce fat in the area you are targeting as well as in any other areas where excess fat is lingering. Implement this. Let me know below in the comments how this is working for you. Stay in touch with me. And until next time, take care. Tweet 3 Share 6 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

One Diet That’s Best for Everyone

Paleo? Low-carb? Vegetarian? IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) ? Fruitarian? Every single day, we’re assaulted by a plethora of different diets. Everyone seems to think that whatever eating plan they’re following is the “right” one. The Paleo freaks claim that the only way to get lean and shredded is to get rid of grains, ban gluten, and ditch dairy. Vegetarians espouse the benefits of plant-based living. IIFYM-ers are all about calories and macros. While fruitarians – well, the clue’s in the name. And I tell you what – it can get really, really confusing. Who are we to believe? Everyone seems to put across a compelling case. There’s certainly no doubt that with Paleo, you reduce processed foods, refined carbs and sugars, and place your emphasis on whole-foods and natural products, and get healthier as a result. But do we really need to ban so many other foods? As for macro-based dieting, no one can argue with the fact that lowering your calories and aiming to hit a certain macronutrient intake works in theory, and allows for flexible living, but does this type of diet neglect food quality and overall health? And could some “healthy” diets make you sick or even kill you? Well today, I’m here to reveal what exactly is the “best” diet for everyone. My B-I-G Mistake I lost the majority of my body fat by following a Paleo style diet. That meant eating like a caveman – meat, fish, nuts, veggies and berries, with a complete ban on dairy, grains, sweeteners, alcohol and anything processed. I took a firm stance that this was the perfect diet for everyone … I was wrong. The Paleo diet is great, if it works for you. But it doesn’t work for everyone. The 1 Thing You Need to Know If you only take one thing from this blog post, make it this – The most important component in any diet is whole foods. This has to come first and foremost. That means you limit supplements, limit “fake foods” chocked full of additives, chemicals and fillers, and place your focus instead on foods from as close to nature as possible. So you eat your lean meats, your oily fish, your fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, your beans your whole-grains. This is similar to the main basis of the Paleo diet, but allows for much more flexibility – for instance, you can eat high-quality dairy products with this approach, as well as legumes, both of which are banned on most Paleo diets. This approach should stand whether you’re a vegan, a vegetarian, and IIFYM-er, or a bodybuilder. If you have a little processed food here and there, that’s okay, but 90% of your nutrition should come from real foods. If you need something to remember that, try this – JERF Just. Eat. Real. Food How I Can Give YOU The Perfect Diet This is a bit of a special announcement. While I’ve given you more or less everything you need to construct your perfect diet here in this article, nutrition can still be a confusing topic. After all, this talk about macros, methodologies and misconceptions can leave even the brightest nutrition spark scratching their head, as their brain goes round at a mile a minute, wondering whether a slice of bread is “good” or “bad.” And it’s for that very reason that I’ve hired some of the best nutritionists in the world to come under my wing, to help me create the highest quality custom meal planning service in the world. These plans will be based around your schedule, your tastes, and even your preferred dieting style. It’s completely customized to you. So whether you want to eat meat-free, dislike dairy, thrive on fruit, or if you simply can’t fathom giving up your cappuccinos and croissants, don’t worry – we can factor all that in. Register today spots are very limited and are sold on a first come first serve basis.   http://www.custommealplans.co Tweet 0 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Optimum Nutrition: Gold Standard Whey Protein

Today we dive into one of Optimum Nutrition’s products. They are a big company, with lots of supplements and have been around for a while. They are also very well known, and most people would know who they are just from the brand. This is a review of the Gold Standard Whey Protein by Optimum Nutrition and can be found everywhere from GNC to most Vitamin Shops. So, let’s go over the pros of this product. When we take a look at the label, the packaging is amazing, and there are some isolates in this product. It also has 24 grams of protein, 5 grams of BCAAs and 4 grams of glutamine. After taking it for a week and doing some additional research, we were able to review this product. Chris used to take this years ago and it was one of the first proteins that he purchased. Even though the protein has great flavor, it didn’t sit well with his stomach. Since Chris is sensitive to protein powders, Primal Body is Chris’ go to because he is able to easily digest it. Most people probably wouldn’t get digestive upset with this. As far as how much protein you are getting, this is a good product. There are not a lot of bad ingredients. Looking through it, Chris looked for anything that could be absolutely terrible, and other than artificial sweetener, which is common in a protein powder, there wasn’t much else. As Chris points out, there are a few sweeteners, such as, acesulfame potassium. This is just one of the many artificial sweeteners that is out there, as well as sucralose, which is very very common. These artificial sweeteners are not as bad as aspartame and so that is a plus that there is none of that in this product. There is a little bit of maltodextrin, which is corn starch. Essentially, this means corn syrup. There are also enzymes like lactase and some electrolytes. According to Chris, this is overall not a bad product. One thing he points out is that Gold Standard Whey is not a grass-fed protein. It is a blend of isolate and concentrate and some whey peptides. The question is, are blends better or worse for you? When you go for a blend, it’s going to digest a little slower. However, through a little bit of research Chris finds that the isolate is just better overall. The isolate has been heavily filtered and so the whey protein is pulled away from everything else. The concentrate is not going to come with anything else that was with the whey. To be a whey isolate, the concentrate would go through a filtering process that would pull out the impurities and leave just the whey isolate. Typically, a whey isolate is more expensive due to the fact it goes through this extensive process. But even though it’s more expensive, the whey isolate has a bioavailability of 159. This is really high compared to the concentrate that has a bioavailability of 104. This makes the isolate the most bioavailable protein you can get. That means it’s the easiest for your body to absorb, recover with, and restore and rebuild muscle tissue. That is just something to take into consideration when shopping for proteins. What else did Chris find out when he looked into some information? When it comes to proteins, most of us can read the ingredients. We can see that it’s a concentrate with some isolates and sweeteners. But Chris says that you can take it a step further and ask, “what is the quality of this protein?” You look into what is in the protein, like impurities. In an article that Chris found they ask, “how safe is your protein?” and a couple years back they did some studies on toxic metals in the proteins. So Chris did a little digging because he wanted to look at the purity of this protein. There has been some research on this. The company Optimum Nutrition actually has third parties do studies on this for them to see if the toxic metals or impurities are in their protein. The top metals to look at are Arsenic, Cadmium, Mercury and Lead. These are very brain toxic and toxic to the body. When you buy very cheap protein powder, you are being exposed to these things. The stuff on the shelf for twenty, thirty or even forty dollars sometimes can have these. Sometimes people get up in arms that Primal Body might cost more than the products that “they can find at Walmart,” but they cannot compare these because the quality is so different. A lot of cheaper proteins are coming from other countries whose regulations are not strict or barley existent. That’s why these studies were done. In fact, Muscle Milk was found out to be the worse one. Now, this was a couple of years ago and maybe the company fixed that because it was a big blow to them, and they could have made some changes. As of right now there hasn’t been another follow up study. The good news is that Optimum Nutrition came out clean. They compared the lead content to boiled shrimp that ranked at 3.2mcg, and this protein came out .3 mcg. This is significantly lower than shrimp and we are told that shrimp is ok to eat. They go on to compare them all with other foods, and there is no significant amount of these chemicals in there. Overall this is a solid protein. It’s not the best on the market, but it is certainly not the worst. It’s got 24 grams of protein, BCAA’s, glutamine, and an almost clean impurities slate. It’s no wonder that they are a successful brand and it’s good that they keep doing what they are doing! Thank you guys for tuning in. We would love to hear other products you would like to be reviewed. Leave those in the comments below and as always, be patient,

The Most Powerful Exercises For Fat Loss

If you want to burn fat, then you need to work out with the best possible training system. This will reduce your workout time, and bring you bigger gains. There is one simple rule to remember – use compound movements over isolation movements. Compound functional type movements are the most effective exercises for fat loss. Why? Fast and explosive Because they are fast, more explosive, and work more muscle fibers during the movement. And, if the exercise involves a weight, that usually means the weight is traveling the furthest amount of distance possible (think of a snatch movement). All in all, you will rapidly increase your gains if you switch over to compound movements. Fire up more muscle fibers Compounds movements call more muscle fibers into action. The more muscle fibers (fast & slow twitch) you fatigue during training, the more fat you’re going to burn during recovery. Burn more fat This is known as the “after burn” effect. This refers to how many calories and fat your body can burn after you have completed the workout. Science shows that even as you go about your day, your body can still burn calories if your workout was intense enough. This is hugely important for anyone who wants to maximize fat loss. In order to ramp up this “after burn” effect, you need to train using compound movements, as they cause the greatest intensity. Several of the best compound functional exercises: Burpees Mountain climbers Jump lunges Kettlebell swings Dumbbell snatch There are lots of other exercises also, but those listed above are some of my favorites. Add more compound movements into your training Increase the number of compound movements used during your workout. This will help you to get better fat loss results. You will also feel stronger and more powerful as a result. Your training will be more intense and explosive, and you will feel the difference right away. Start adding these movements into your training. Sample program you can use Here’s what I recommend… Add a 2-3 compound movement circuit into your next training day with minimal rest periods. For example: 1. Kettlebell Swing x 12 30s Rest 2. Jump Lunge x 12 30s Rest 3. Mountain Climber x 30 Repeat this circuit 3-4 times. Summary Use the simple concept of compound movements to increase your fat loss potential. You know why this works, and it can drastically increase your results. You will also enjoy your workouts more, and see more muscle, and more definition as a result. If you have ever experienced a weight loss plateau, then this is may be an opportunity to get back on track. Tweet 1 Share 1 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

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Information Collected Automatically The types of information your browser or Internet session automatically sends us each time you visit our Website, which we automatically collect, include: Your browser. Your computer’s operating system. Your navigation path, i.e., the URLs of where you come to our site from, which of our pages you visit, and where you go as you leave. Your IP address. This and other information lets us see how users are finding our Website, and it tells us which pages are visited the most often so we can make our Website more useful. Information You Provide to Us In addition to the information automatically collected by your browser, we also collect information that you provide to us when you contact us or order a product such as your name, address, phone number, email address, gender, age, etc. You may decline to provide personal information, although that may result in your inability to obtain certain services or use certain features of our Website. 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