On A Budget? Buy These 10 Weight Loss Foods

Certain diets can be expensive. So, how do you eat a healthy, nutritious and tasty diet while staying on budget? The good news is that some of the most healthy, weight loss promoting foods are inexpensive. You can also cut your costs by cooking your own meals, and buying in bulk. If you are on a budget, then choose the following 10 foods first. You will find many of these foods on special offer, if you search for the promotion isles. Eggs Eggs are great for protein, keeping hunger at bay and sustained energy. Eggs contain choline, an important nutrient for brain function–especially important for babies and pregnant women. Choline enhances different brain and nerve functions and helps the liver remove fat from it to burn for energy. What’s more, it is also known to boost the health of the kidneys, bladder and pancreas. Eggs contain B vitamins for energy and omega-3’s. As always, please choose good quality eggs (organic and corn and soy free feed if possible). Who doesn’t love eating eggs? They’re the easiest protein to prepare, low calorie, filling and delicious in various ways. Avocado Avocados are great for the healthy monounsaturated fats, anti-inflammatory properties, and potassium (over double the amount in 1 banana). Potassium regulates the electrolyte levels in your cells, helps your muscles contract and aids in the waste removal process, just to name a few. I love eating avocados because they’re a great substitution for cheese on salads and meats. Their creamy texture and rich flavor is great, and their raw fat content is known to help your body absurd up to 3 times as many nutrients in a meal! Almond milk Almond milk is a great substitution for dairy and soy milk, and has fewer calories. Almond milk contains 30% of the recommended daily amount of calcium and 25% of vitamin D in one 8 oz glass. These help with bone growth & strength, improve immunity and cell function. In addition, almond milk provides 50% of your daily requirement for vitamin E, which is important for improving your skin’s health and preventing blood platelets from clogging. I enjoy adding almond milk to my protein shakes for minimal additional calories and in my grainless granola for breakfast. Make the switch and I promise you will not miss your dairy milk at all. Macadamia nuts Macadamia nuts are a great raw for a snack. They can be sliced in a salad, or toasted. The oil of these nuts has become increasingly popular due to its great flavor and high smoke point. Macadamia nuts contain a high amount of fat, however, up to 86 percent of the fat is monounsaturated. Monounsaturated fat helps to lower cholesterol and decrease your risk of heart disease. They are one of the only food sources of palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid that may speed up metabolism. This reduces the body’s ability to store fat. You have probably heard the term flavonoids in reference to red wine? Macadamia nuts also contain these, which which are converted into antioxidants in our body. These antioxidants destroy free radicals and protect our bodies from various diseases. Fatty Fish Fatty Fish are powerhouses for omega 3 and protein. Omega 3’s are great for lowering depression, improving brain and eye health, and reducing risk for cardiovascular disease. Fish also has a low caloric content, so it’s a lean option for those looking to lose excess weight. Some fatty fishes to include in your diet are salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring and tuna. Baked or pan seared fish is a quick lunch or dinner option and goes goes great with salad, fruit, quinoa or steamed veggies. Almond Butter Almond Butter with celery is a great snack and contains plenty of fiber, vitamin K and protein. They are a combination that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized until your next meal. Apples with almond butter are another great option if you have a sweet tooth. It’s also the perfect combination of protein, complex carbs and healthy fat! While I certainly realize $13 for a tub of almond butter is far from budget, this is the most amazing almond butter on the planet. It’s the brand I use, and a little goes a long way. If you use consume 1 serving a day as I recommend, you can get a few weeks out of  a single tub. You can thank me after you try it! If you decide to take my word on it, make sure you grab a jar of the cinnamon raisin almond butter, Veggies Kale – more iron than beef, high in vitamin k, more calcium than milk, high in vitamin C. Low calorie, low carb. Toss in salads, steam as a side, bake kale chips or juice for optimum nutrient absorption. Asparagus-chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. Baked with grass fed butter & Himalayan salt, diced in salads, toss in stir fries, etc. Broccoli-magnesium, potassium & calcium regulate blood pressure. Rich in glucoraphanin, a compound capable of preventing cancer. Great raw, steamed with grass fed butter, in stir fries, in eggs, etc. Bok Choy-low carb, vitamin C, potassium, folic acid. Great in stir fries, other hot dishes, and even salads. Bell Peppers- ton of vitamin A & C, burns fat, fights cancer. Eat raw with hummus for a snack, grill with chicken or beef for kabobs, in a stir fry with shrimp. Grass fed butter Grass fed butter is great for vitamin A and E. It protects against calcification of the joints, hardening of the arteries. It is rich in medium and short chain fatty acids that are burned for energy and prevent tumor growth. It tastes much better than regular butter! Strengthens immune system thanks to vitamin A & the medium and short chain fatty acids. Great for cooking meat, veggies, quinoa, and eggs in. Use to make bulletproof coffee, mashed cauliflower etc. Coconut oil Coconut oil is great for Omega 3,

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Mastering Your Metabolism

Hey there, Fit Fam, We are going to talk about metabolism, specifically mastering your metabolism so that you can burn fat almost effortlessly. There are four things that you need to know specifically, but before that, lets talk about metabolism in general. Metabolism is roughly the way your body burns energy. What is energy? Energy is calories, and when your metabolism is not working properly, your body stores those calories as fat. When it is working properly, you use those calories as energy throughout the day. Let’s talk about the four things that make your up metabolism. The first is your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), or RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate). This is the calories you burn while you are at rest, but you are not sleeping. For example, if you were to lie in bed for 24 hours, these are the calories you would burn. This accounts for roughly 65-70% of your TDE (Total Daily Expenditure). We also refer to this as your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Second, is your activity level and exercise. The idea is that you are going to burn 15-25% of your TDE, with your goal being 25%. The third thing is your digestive process. This is the amount of calories you burn when digesting food, and will account for 5-10% of your TDE. Protein has the highest thermic effect of food, so you actually burn more calories eating protein than any other macronutrient. Last is your AHG (Adaptive Heat Generation), which is your body’s ability to raise its temperature in order to create balance in the body. This accounts for roughly 7% of your TDE. Now, lets break these down a little bit more so that you can manipulate them. You can raise your BMR by feeding yourself and by doing exercise (weights or HIIT). The thing to think about here is that you want to build muscle. The more muscle on your body, the higher your BMR, and the more fat that you burn while you are at rest. A lot of people email us here at Morellifit, asking if cardio is good or bad. If you are trying to get your activity level to 25% and you are really trying to get to your BMR through exercise, you will want to stick to weights or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). The reason for that is because you create an afterburn effect that allows you to burn calories 24 hours a day. When talking about the digestive process, you have your protein, your fats, and your carbohydrates. Try starting with your protein (a piece of steak, chicken, or fish), chewing it nice and slowly, and then move onto your other macronutrients. You should feel satiated, as protein is the most satiating of the macronutrients. You will then be less hungry and less likely to overeat, improving your ability to hit the 10% mark of your TDE. If you are eating the right amount, getting enough protein to keep you full will never be an issue. Lastly, your AHG is just the homeostasis of the body. These are the four things you would like to consider when you are talking about your metabolism, and understanding your metabolism, so that you can burn fat or build muscle at your leisure. With all that, I hope this information serves you, and I understand that it can be a little more complex, but this should start to simplify it. If you have any questions regarding metabolism or calories, leave those below. We answer those questions every single day in the comments, so we’d love to hear from you. You can even potentially spark some new ideas for upcoming videos. Remember, this is a process. It is not a destination, it is a journey, and it all begins with a single step for everybody, no matter where you are. Be patient. Stay the course. And lets get fit, together! Tweet 0 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

How to Make 2015 Your Leanest Year Yet

New Year resolutions suck. It’s all well and good having goals, but the trouble is, we don’t stick to them. Think about it – how many have you had over the years? Whether it’s been to take up the guitar, learn Spanish, become a master of ballroom dancing, or, our favorite – lose weight and get in shape – time and time again, we fall short. So how about, this year, you make your resolutions properly? You make them so precise, so goal-orientated and so targeted that you simply can’t fail? Sound like a plan? Why You Fail A 2007 study by British psychologist Robert Wiseman found that only 12% of us stick to and achieve our resolutions come the end of the year. (1) That depresses me. It means that for everyone who starts January with vim, vigour, and a willingness to change their lives, 88 out of every 100 fail. For whatever reason, they just can’t summon up that inner strength to make the changes needed to take them where they need to be. To me, that issue comes down to 3 things – 1. Not finding your “Why” 2. Poor planning 3. Lack of social support In this article, I’ll help you get all 3 of these right. I’m guessing, if you’re reading this, then your resolution revolves around losing weight, getting lean and creating your best body ever? If so, read on, and we’ll make sure we get you there. 1. Finding Your “Why” This is just about the most important aspect of any resolution making or goal setting. The “why” refers to your deep desire for change. I’m not talking about saying you want to lose weight because you think you should, or because others expect you to – we need to find what REALLY drives you. You might say you want to lose weight to look better, but that’s not enough. Somewhere, deep down inside, you feel pain. If being out of shape and overweight was the norm, and you didn’t feel judged, you wouldn’t really want to change, would you? Yet, for the standards our society sets, and the way you feel others look at you, you’re not happy about the way you look – and THIS is your why. Perhaps you were picked on at school. Maybe people at work talk about you behind your back. You might feel that you’re not setting a good example for your kids. Whatever your “why” is – find it, and think about it every single day. Use the doubters and the haters as motivation to drive you forward, and think back to them every time you feel like slipping. Plan Properly Do you have a precise plan of action, laid out with daily, weekly and monthly goals to hit your targets for 2015? No? Most people don’t – and that’s why 88% of people fail, so let’s look at how we can break it down. Your yearly goal may be to get a six-pack. This is cool, and perfectly achievable, but it’s not really actionable. What we need to do is figure out a way you can break this down into smaller steps. Take 3 white boards – one small, one medium and one big. Your monthly or long-term goals and actions go on the big one, your weekly goals go on the medium one, and daily targets go on the small one. For instance Big Board – – “Get a Six-Pack” might go at the top, but you could also have – – “Drop to a 32” waist by May 15th (my birthday) and be performing 3 weights workouts consistently each week.” Medium Board – – This week – – “Complete week 4 of “HIIT Max” and give 100% in every workout.” – “Do my grocery shop by Thursday evening, and ensure I’m stocked up with fresh and frozen fruits and veggies to get me through the next week.” Small Board – – Today – Get a lean serving of protein at every single meal – Remember to take all my supplements ***IF YOU DON’T HAVE SPACE FOR BOARDS*** I would recommend that if you don’t have the space for the boards, try different sized sticky notes, pieces or paper or something similar – but aim for big, medium, small for whatever you choose. Hitting daily goals means you’re more likely to hit your medium-term goals, keeping you on track to smashing your overall resolution goal. Social Support Few folk can successfully go it alone. You need support and structure to keep you going. You also need the fear of failure, and the thought that others may judge you for not completing what you set out to. So it’s for that reason that I encourage you to tell as many people as possible about your goals. Tell your friends, family, colleagues and gym buddies. Most will be helpful, supportive and encouraging, but even the doubters and naysayers have their use – along with your “why” think about these people almost hoping that you fail, and channel that into your success, pushing you forward to prove them wrong. Go Forth and CRUSH IT Using these tips and tricks, there’s no way you can finish 2015 NOT in the shape of your life. Being leaner, fitter, slimmer and sexier. Remember, if you’re struggling for support, motivation and encouragement, you can get me through the contact tab, or head on over to the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/MorelliFit Here’s to a great 2015, and I’ll see you on the other side. Oh, and if you need a little ‘kickstart’ – and want to lose 7-11 lbs , safely and naturally, then why not try my Detox Drop system? It only takes 7-10 days, and might be just what you need to start 2015 with a bang. You can have a look right here: http://www.thedetoxdiet.co References 1. http://www.quirkology.com/UK/Experiment_resolution.shtml Tweet 2 Share 14 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Lose Weight by Eating All Day Long (sample meal plan)

As I always say, the weight loss process is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I have given lots of diet advice on this blog already, but some people just want a meal plan to follow. So, you asked, and I have answered. Here is a meal plan for a single day. But first, you need to know about the… Foundations of Eating For Weight Loss Find your BMR – you don’t need to count calories but you do need to find your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This refers to the number of calories you burn during the day – while you are at rest. You can use the calculator here to find your BMR. Next, divide by 5/6 meals – when you have the BMR, divide the number by 5 or 6. This will give you the number of calories that you need to consume during each meal. This number does not need to be absolutely accurate. It should be an approximation. Know which foods to eat – this is very important and will be explained below. Prepare your meals 24 hours in advance – it is important that you always stay ahead of your schedule. If you don’t stay prepared, you are very likely to eat some junk food, or processed food, during the day. Forget caloric deficit – this is not important at the moment. I don’t count calories, but I am aware of what I’m eating. Try to be conscious of your meal portions but don’t obsess over it. Keep these 5 concepts in mind when reading the rest of this article. The Meal Plan OK, let’s get into the actual meal plan (it is based on the 5 concepts above). Breakfast – eat your breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up. This will rev up your metabolism and set you up for success for the rest of the day. Best option: Aim for eggs, bacon, turkey and avocado. This is the best way to get the high quality fats and protein into your system. Backup option (when busy): protein shake and fruit is the next best option. You could also try gain-less granola and fruit. Or almond butter and fruit. 2nd meal (2/3 hours later) Protein shake and fruit Hard boiled eggs Almond butter Protein bar Nuts seeds and fruit 3rd meal (2/3 hours later) Chicken Tuna Shrimp salad Sweet potato Veggies Steak Fruit Almond butter Avocado and nuts Small amount of white rice NOTE: all of the foods listed above (the first 3 meals of the day) are interchangeable. You can mix them around to your own tastes. 4th meal (2/3 hours later) – You need to eat leaner foods as you get closer to bedtime. Protein shake without fruit Almond butter with celery Veggie sticks Macadamias 5th meal (2/3 hours later) Salmon and veggies Seafood Steak Chicken Avocado A little dark chocolate Glass of red wine 6th meal (2/3 hours later) –this is the last meal of the day. It should be every lean (protein and fats only) Lean meats Veggies Handful of almonds That is a sample meal plan that promotes fat loss. Notice that the meals are very lean closer to the end of the day. This will keep your metabolism charged up without storing any fat. The Most Important Takeaway Message If you look at the foods listed above you will notice a few commonalities. These include: No processed foods. No refined carbohydrates. No sugar. No grains or wheat. You will also notice that all the foods are listed are whole foods. This is very important and the best way to get started. Counting calories is not as important as many people imagine. If you eat only whole foods, you will start to lose weight. As you do this over the weeks, you can then begin to focus more on caloric deficit and get leaner still. However, to begin with, don’t get hung up on every calorie. It will just cause stress and lead to cortisol in the body. If you follow the 4 principles above you will certainly lose weight. This is exactly how I lost 30 pounds of fat in under 120 days. Use the principles, and the meal plan, above to ignite your fat loss efforts and feel full and energetic. Tweet 0 Share 5 +1 1 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Signature “Glute Workout” by Kristen

For those of you looking to have a killer Glute workout on leg day, here is a signature workout from one of our Morellifit Athletes. Each athlete here at Morellifit has their own routines and own personal workout styles. We share with you their top work outs and invite you to try them for yourselves. Meet our Morellifit Coach Kristen! She is an Arizona native who grew up playing sports in high school. In college while attending the WP Carey School of Business, she met a personal trainer who turned her onto weight lifting and she fell in love with weight training. After college, she was still eating “the college diet” and working a desk job and found herself gaining weight even though she was still working out. Sick of seeing no results, and feeling bad about herself, she looked to nutrition to get herself back on track. She turned to a nutritionist who got her on a custom meal plan and found a trainer to help her with workouts to change her body. After getting amazing results she pursed her dream of competing in a bikini completion. Now a recent winner of the NPC Desert Storm Bikini Competition for both her class, and over all, she is currently pursuing her Precision Nutrition Certification and NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialization. From a bad relationship with unhealthy foods and seeing no results in the gym, to now being a passionate advocate for good diet and exercise, Kristen helps people everyday make the changes they need to improve their health. Her signature workout includes four supersets to help keep your heart rate up during the workout, as well as make the work out as time efficient as possible. Currently, she is working towards her national competition in the spring. In her new workout regimen, she includes workouts like these to help her build her glutes for her next competition. Kristen’s Signature Glute Workout Warm up – 10 minutes of treadmill incline walking and hamstring curl machine. 3 sets of 10-12 reps. SuperSet (#1) x 3 Hip Thruster 10-12 Bulgarian Splits 10-12 Split Jumps 20 SuperSet (#2) x 3 Side Step Ups 10-12 each Single Bench Jumps 10-12 each Super Set (#3) x 3 Wide Stance Leg Press (heavy) 10 High Stance Leg Press (lighter) 15-20 SuperSet (#4) x 3 Weighted Walking Lunges 12-16 Unweighted Walking Lunges 20-25 with pulse Burnout – Cable Kickbacks (as many as you can) Enjoy this work out in place of your leg day or just add it to your weekly routine. Keep tuned in to meet more of our Morellifit Athletes, and more upcoming workouts from Kristen. Tweet 4 Share 11 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Is a Raw Food Diet Right For You?

Is a diet of only raw food healthy? If you have considered this type of diet or are interested in knowing more, then read on. The Raw Food Diet Is Not New Raw Foodism has been around for hundreds of years, but has recently risen in pop culture popularity. The raw food diet consists of uncooked (less than 118 degrees fahrenheit), unprocessed, and primarily organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs and sometimes fish (such as sashimi), meat (such as carpaccio) and dairy (such as raw milk and raw cheese). Many raw foodists are vegan or vegetarian. Gain The Health Benefits Without An Extreme Diet I know what you’re thinking: there’s no way I can eat all raw food. You don’t have to be extreme and go all raw immediately or at all. To start reaping the many benefits of raw foods, simply start adding them to the dishes you already eat. For example, make a pizza using avocado instead of cheese. Use spaghetti squash instead of pasta for a spaghetti with meat. Make a grilled chicken breast sandwich with the fillings in leafy greens. Also, try making chili with raw vegetables added in at the end and then serve it with salsa and guacamole. Increase the raw food percentage of your meals by adding raw side dishes like vegetable mixes, salads, fresh sprouts or sliced veggies. Eventually you should aim to get 50% raw foods at each meal. Who Wants More Energy, Better Stamina & Less Body Fat Raw food enthusiasts have said their diet results in many great health benefits.Some of these include increased energy, better mood, reduced cancer risk, improved stamina, healthier skin, weight loss, clearer intellect, enhanced immunity, improved sleep, and many more.A raw food diet contains fewer saturated fat and trans fats than the typical Western diet. It is also much lower in sodium and sugar, rich in antioxidants and high in fiber, folate, magnesium, potassium, and vitamin A. Reduce The Acidity In Your Body The raw food diet is also thought to have a favorable acid-alkaline balance, since the food is low in acid-forming food. Too much acidity in the body is known to be toxic and cause an array of diseases. Some ailments and sicknesses that are a result of acidity are dehydration, diabetes, bladder and kidney damage, fatigue, high blood pressure, heart disease, hormonal imbalances, indigestion, immune deficiencies, insomnia, lactic acid build up, lupus, obesity, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, yeast and fungal overgrowth, and more. Dairy, bread, white flour, meat, eggs, sugar, artificial sweeteners, coffee, carbonated drinks and preservatives are the main offenders of high levels of acidity in the body. Like I mentioned earlier, if you are going to eat these types of foods, make sure to get 50% of your meal from leafy greens and raw vegetables to balance it out. Save Time By Eating Raw Food Besides providing great benefits for your entire body, the raw food diet means you will typically have less work to do to prepare your meals.Since you aren’t cooking food, your main duties will be chopping, cutting, slicing, juicing and blending. Beginning a raw food diet can be an exciting way to discover new vegetables and fruits you’ve never tried before. It is also a great way to get in tune with your body and gauge how different foods affect your body and mind. You will be amazed at all of the changes you’ll see and feel as a result of putting whole foods rather than preservatives and processed foods into your body. Tweet 0 Share 1 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Insane Legs & Core Workout You’ve Never Done

In this post and the video below, I have got an amazing, crazy insane legs and abs workout that I am going to share with you. Pay close attention. This workout is composed of specific movements, rep schemes, and rest times. You will learn six exercises, all of which work synergistically to help you develop insanely fit legs and core muscles.     You start with a squat (aka back squat, or barbell back squat). Barbell Back Squat Select a weight (barbell) which you are able to do ten to twelve reps with, but which you are unable to do fourteen reps with. Finding a barbell that is the perfect weight for you may be a process of trial and error. Play around with this until you find the proper one. Placing your hands on the sides of the barbell, with your palms facing down, position the barbell high on the back of your shoulders. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your right leg facing one o’clock and your left leg facing eleven o’clock. Bending your hips back, squat down as if you are about to sit in a chair until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your chest tall. Expand your knees and hips upright until you are standing back in the position that you started in. Do three sets of ten to twelve reps, resting for 45 to 60 seconds in between each. Now the second exercise is a walking lunge. Walking Lunge Select a set of dumb bells that you are able to do ten to twelve reps with, but which you are unable to do fourteen with. Keeping your feet together and your chest tall, contract your abdominals. Lunge forward with your right foot, until your nonworking knee hovers just above the ground. Return up to starting position with your feet together. Repeat with your left leg. Do three sets of ten reps with each leg, equaling twenty steps total. Rest 45-60 seconds between each set. Next, we are going to do barbell jump squat. You may have heard people say, “Oh, gosh. That is not good for you.” But, nothing with bad form is good for you, right? The key here is to use “good form.” Barbell Jump Squat After selecting a barbell, position your body as if you are going to do a back squat again. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, rest the barbell on the upper part of the back of your shoulders while gripping it on both ends, rotate your palms downwards, and push your body weight into your heels. It is very important for your body weight to remain centered in your heels throughout the entire course of this exercise. Do not ever stand on your toes, or put pressure on your knees. Squat down, as you would when you do a normal squat. Once you are down in the squat position, push off your heels and jump back up to the starting position. Do twenty reps without resting. Without resting, immediately move into a hard style plank. The plank will serve as your “resting period” between each set this time. Hard Style Plank Assume plank position Contract your abdominal muscles Keep your abdominal and glute muscles tight Hold this position for sixty seconds Now, go back to your barbell and do twenty reps again. Repeat this process until you have done a total of three sets of barbell jump squats Next, we go into core. V Sit-ups Lay flat on your back with your feet hovering just above the ground. Sit up with your shoulders just above the ground, moving your feet and shoulders upwards towards each other until your body forms a “V.” Keep your abdominal muscles and quads contracted the entire time. Do twelve to fifteen reps. Move on to the next exercise without any rest. Mountain Climber Roll over into plank position. Bend your right knee, bringing it up towards your right hand as if you were climbing something. Bring your knee all the way up to your elbow. Return your right knee to the starting position and repeat the previous step with your left leg. Keep your abdominals tightly contracted the entire time. Do twelve to fifteen reps, with each leg counting as one. Rest for thirty seconds. Repeat the above steps three times. That is the end of the workout. Getting Insane Leg and Core Results By implementing the above exercises into your routine, you will give your legs and core an intense workout in a relatively short amount of time. Remember to listen to your body when choosing the weight of your dumb bells and barbell. If a weight is too heavy, opt for the next weight down. And do not strain yourself. Do this work out on a steady basis for maximum, lasting results. And, please post your comments, questions, or results below. Until next time, get fit and take care. Tweet 0 Share 6 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Increase Your Fat Intake To Burn More Fat

Does eating fat make you fat? If you’ve read some of the mainstream diet books and magazines then you will have heard this saying. Unfortunately, it is misleading and causes lots of people to take the wrong diet approach. Such people will remove all fats from their diet. In doing so, they will eat processed foods labeled “zero fat”, and other manufactured foods. In the end, they actually gain more body fat as a result. I have heard such stories from many people who eventually get so confused, they are close to giving up on their weight loss goal. The truth is that fats are needed by the body. However, we need to separate the good fats from the bad. The healthy fats are called monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats will raise your good HDL cholesterol and prevent the unwanted build up in your arteries. As you can see, they are healthy. On the weight loss front, they will help to prevent stomach fat. I like to get these fats from avocados, almonds, cashews and olives. Check out some of my other articles for details on these foods. Polyunsaturated fats will help to lower your LDL cholesterol, while increasing your immune system and aiding with brain function. As these types of fats are filled with omega 6 fatty acids, they also help with skin and eye care. I like to eat these fats from foods such as salmon (but other fish are great too, such as herring), flaxseeds and walnuts. Fats to avoid The fats that you need to avoid, if you want to lose weight, are trans fats. These types of fats are made from saturated fats, and are then altered chemically in order to increase their shelf life. Besides making you fat, they will also increase your risk of heart disease and lead to an inflamed body. The biggest culprits are fries, doughnuts, cookies, chips, deserts and other processed foods. You need to check the labels of foods you buy, as some trans fats are included in foods you would not expect. Eat good fats for health and weight loss I lost weight by cutting down on my carbohydrate intake. In order to get the fuel I needed for my workouts, I eat more calories from fat (see those listed above). The body will quickly switch over to a state of ketosis when you start doing this. Science shows that when the body is in ketosis for a time, the brain will start to use ketones, and therefore decrease its need for glucose. This means you will lose weight and keep your body healthy. On top of this, studies have shown that a low carb diet is a good treatment for a range of neurological conditions, such as seizures and Alzheimer’s. Summary Don’t believe the hype that fats make you fat. Only trans fat will do that. However, eating healthy, clean fats will let you feel good and crank up your metabolism, so you burn calories all day – leading to a lean, trim body. Tweet 0 Share 1 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0