Increase Your Fat Intake To Burn More Fat


Does eating fat make you fat?

If you’ve read some of the mainstream diet books and magazines then you will have heard this saying. Unfortunately, it is misleading and causes lots of people to take the wrong diet approach.

Such people will remove all fats from their diet. In doing so, they will eat processed foods labeled “zero fat”, and other manufactured foods.

In the end, they actually gain more body fat as a result.

I have heard such stories from many people who eventually get so confused, they are close to giving up on their weight loss goal.


The truth is that fats are needed by the body.

However, we need to separate the good fats from the bad.

The healthy fats are called monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.

Monounsaturated fats will raise your good HDL cholesterol and prevent the unwanted build up in your arteries. As you can see, they are healthy.

On the weight loss front, they will help to prevent stomach fat. I like to get these fats from avocados, almonds, cashews and olives. Check out some of my other articles for details on these foods.

Polyunsaturated fats will help to lower your LDL cholesterol, while increasing your immune system and aiding with brain function. As these types of fats are filled with omega 6 fatty acids, they also help with skin and eye care.

I like to eat these fats from foods such as salmon (but other fish are great too, such as herring), flaxseeds and walnuts.

Fats to avoid

Avoid-fats-meat-and-meat-foods-to-control-diabetes1The fats that you need to avoid, if you want to lose weight, are trans fats. These types of fats are made from saturated fats, and are then altered chemically in order to increase their shelf life.

Besides making you fat, they will also increase your risk of heart disease and lead to an inflamed body.

The biggest culprits are fries, doughnuts, cookies, chips, deserts and other processed foods. You need to check the labels of foods you buy, as some trans fats are included in foods you would not expect.

Eat good fats for health and weight loss

I lost weight by cutting down on my carbohydrate intake. In order to get the fuel I needed for my workouts, I eat more calories from fat (see those listed above). The body will quickly switch over to a state of ketosis when you start doing this.

Science shows that when the body is in ketosis for a time, the brain will start to use ketones, and therefore decrease its need for glucose. This means you will lose weight and keep your body healthy.

On top of this, studies have shown that a low carb diet is a good treatment for a range of neurological conditions, such as seizures and Alzheimer’s.


Don’t believe the hype that fats make you fat. Only trans fat will do that. However, eating healthy, clean fats will let you feel good and crank up your metabolism, so you burn calories all day – leading to a lean, trim body.