The TRUTH About Caffeine!
If you are an avid lover of coffee, then you know where the obsession over this dark brewed beverage comes from. It’s been called the nectar of the God’s and the first credible reference to coffee trees appearing was in the 15th century. So this age old golden brew has been seducing our taste buds for centuries but also has been providing more than just a delicious drink. The health benefits of caffeine are wide and it’s role in fitness is just starting to get notice. The name for the delicious chemical called caffeine is actually called 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine. Caffeine provides Vitamin B to help produce energy, Vitamin B5 to help the body use fats and proteins, and Manganese which helps control blood sugar. In addition to all that, it contains Magnesium which help keep blood pressure even, Potassium which is essential to your heart and kidneys and Niacin that can help cholesterol levels. For those who have several cups of coffee a day these numbers can really add up, but the daily recommended limit of coffee is about 4.7 cups of drip coffee which equals about 400mg of caffeine. Anything over that limit could interfere with sleep patterns or give the drinker a jittery feeling. Coffee also provides a boost to the brain by temporarily increasing focus and concentration. This can lead to increased learning. But, aside for what it gives out body and our mind, it can help with fitness for those who work out. There are many risks associated with taking pre workout and fat burners, if you want to know what they are, just read their warning levels. Those who are looking for a more natural way to have a burst of energy can drink a shot of espresso or just have a coffee for a natural boost. Caffeine can increase stamina during a work out and can increase adrenaline which can lead to a better work out. Besides an energy boost, caffeine in studies has show to increase fat burning in the body. Along with increased fat burning, it can break down fat as well. Plus, the effects of caffeine can last up to 6 hours after ingestion which means these fat burning benefits last a while. After a hard work out caffeine has been shown to decrease post work out pain by up to 48% in athletes. Caffeine is naturally occurring in the coffee bean, and can be extracted by pressure cooking the beans and leaves with CO2 to produce it in the powder form. This has lead to caffeine being added to a multitude of products including fat burners and pre-workouts. But these products also contain a multitude of other, sometimes unhealthy, ingredients. Instead of risking ingesting questionable ingredients for the sake of energy, you can turn to the tried and true energy from natural coffee. Of course organic and fair trade coffee is always the healthiest choice, but any coffee will give you the caffeine boost and benefits. Next time you drink your cup of joe just imagine all the good things it’s doing for your body. And when thinking about energy for work outs always look for a more natural solution like straight black coffee to get you through. When given the chance always choose organic brands, like Grind Coffee, because regular non organic coffees are one of the heaviest sprayed crops. Non organic coffee can be sprayed with up to 250 lbs of pesticides before it’s harvested. So when you can, buy organic or drink organic coffee. Delicious and beneficial, this drink makes it to the top of our fitness drink list. Tweet 1 Share 8 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 2
Time Your Cheat Meals So You Don’t Store Fat
Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how and when I eat cheat meals. So, I wanted to address that subject here. If you are looking to burn fat, and change your body for the better, then this will be a very important lesson for you. Before getting into that, I should cover what your general diet should consist of: whole foods (from as close to nature as possible). For example, eat meats, vegetables, seeds, nuts, a little fruit, and a little starch. In other words, you should have removed the refined sugars and the processed foods from your diet before you begin with this lesson. With that said, let’s look at the major concepts around the idea of cheat meals. The 3 Main Things to Consider 1. Resiliency– unless you put certain foods into your body, you will not know how those foods make you feel. This means that when you usually have a very clean diet and then cheat with sugar or processed foods, you will immediately notice the effects. It will be very clear to you how those foods affect your body, and you will become clear that they are not healthy or good for you. 2. 90/10 Rule– this means that 90% of the time you will eat clean foods. The other 10% of meals can come from cheat meals. To figure out how many meals this equates to over the week, just divide your weekly meals by 10. This is a good rule of thumb to follow if your training is dialed in. And, you will be very successful by following this ratio. 3. Timing– this concept follows from the 90/10 rule, and makes it even more effective. By using this rule you will store even less body fat, and really start to perfect your fat-loss routine. Why Carb Timing Is So Important The harder you train, the more glucose your body uses. This means that your body can absorb more glucose after you train, without storing it as fat. As such, the best time to consume carbs (cheat meals) is after your highest intensity training. So, figure out when you will be intensely training during the week, and schedule your cheat meal right after that workout (within 30 to 45 minutes). Lastly, be sure to include some protein with every meal, including your cheat meals because there are several benefits. Summary Use the 3 concepts above and you will really start to see major changes in your body. You will also feel good about your nutrition plan, as it allows for some variety and keeps things interesting. Tweet 4 Share 64 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0
Top 10 Protein Bars
“What’s the best protein bar to eat?” This is undoubtedly one of the most common questions I am asked. Protein bars serve one purpose of filling the gap in nutrition when whole foods cannot be implemented. Opinions will differ of “what’s best”, but science tells us what is of high quality, and what is not. The number one thing I pay attention to when searching for a protein bar, is sugar. You want to get as LOW as possible on the sugar chart without loading your body with unneeded artificial sweeteners. Some sweeteners are better than others, but pick the wrong one and you have a gastrointestinal disaster waiting to happen. The number two most important ingredient to look for in protein bars, is the carbohydrates. Where are they sourced from? Are they from wheat? Corn? Oats? Ideally you should be looking for a source that is 100% gluten free and preferably paleo. Many individuals are allergic to gluten without knowing it, which will cause inflammation in your gut and lead to a whole host of issues mental and physical issues. A majority of wheat and corn are also genetically modified, which may be harmful if ingested regularly. Why am I not mentioning to look at protein as a buying point? Because most protein bars are equipped with enough protein. It isn’t too common you will find a protein bar with less than 20grams per bar. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t check the grams, but it’s the LEAST of your concerns. “But the guy at the vitamin store told me I should only look at calories.” Well the vitamin guy doesn’t know your goals, and unfortunately doesn’t have the education needed to have your best interest at heart. But I do. Below are my top 10 protein bars which will lead you closer to your goals, as well as keep your blood sugar levels steady, and sugar cravings at bay. #10 Quest Bars You have to be living under a rock to not know what a quest bar is in the fitness world. They are arguably one of the best tasting, most protein dense bars on the market. As far as quality goes, the bars are NOT made with grass-fed whey (Primal Body Protein IS made with grass-fed whey) and a majority of the bars are filled with artificial sweeteners other than stevia. A large advantage to Quest Bars is the low carbohydrate and high fiber content which will keep you full for hours. Is this bar better than 90% of the bars at the grocery store? Yes. But I still rank it higher on the list. These bars can be purchased pretty much everywhere now, even your local 711. #9 B-UP Bars UP bars took a spin on Quest Bars, but only use natural sweetener’s such as Xylitol, Stevia, and Monk Fruit Extract. The texture of these bars have more of a Laffy Taffy consistency, which is perfect for those who do not like the Quest Bar texture. UP bars are also high in fiber and lower in carbohydrates, which is great for those who do not want an insulin spike or a blood sugar crash after eating. #8 Jay Robb Protein Bars Jay Robb uses all natural sweetener’s in his products which makes these bars higher quality in terms of ingredients. This bar is perfect for pre or post work out since it contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for energy. The carbs from the Jay Robb bars are derived from organic agave syrup, whey isolate crisps, and tapioca starch. When choosing protein bars, it’s best to opt for the bars closest to the paleo lifestyle. This would mean opting for bars that do not contain gluten (wheat), oats, rice, or other grains. #7 Manbake Protein Bars Another high fiber, lower carb protein bar packed with taste. These bars are only currently available online, but will soon be available at local stores. They are 100% paleo friendly, and will kill any type of sugar craving you have. They also carry beefcakes which are perfect for a post workout meal. Once you try Manbake, you may never go back. #6 Oatmega Grass-Fed Whey Bars The appeal to these bars are they are derived from grass-fed whey. Grass-fed whey is hormone and antibiotic free, which is the highest quality protein on the market. They are relatively low in carbs and calories, which are perfect for a snack or eaten as a dessert. The downside to these bars is the small amount of oats included in the ingredients. However, a plus is that the “mega” in Oatmega refers to Omega 3 fatty acids that were added to these bars as an extra anti-inflammatory kick. With only 5 grams of sugar per bar, you can eat these free of guilt. #5 Julian Bakery Paleo Protein Bars The name Paleo Protein Bars says it all. Julian Bakery somehow found a way to incorporate egg white protein into protein bars and actually taste GOOD. These bars are 100% Paleo, Gluten-free, GMO-free, Grain-free, High-fiber, Dairy-free, Whey-free, No Sugar Alcohols, and High-protein. The prebiotic fiber used is made with tapioca, which is another grain-free ingredient. #4 Tanka Bars Sweet tasting protein bars are fun, but what about when you crave Chipotle but don’t have time for lunch? This is where Tanka Bars come into play. Think healthiest and best tasting beef jerky you have ever had. The meat used in these bars are made from Buffalo meat , and are hormone, MSG, gluten, and nitrate free. They also have a sweet kick as they contain small amounts of raspberries. #3 Epic Bars Buffalo meat doesn’t sound appealing to you? Queue Epic Bars. With the same high quality ingredients as Tanka Bars, but Epic offers chicken, turkey, bison, and bacon options. These bars are as close to a complete meal as they contain a perfect amount of fats, protein, and carbs. The grass-fed meat in these bars contain high
Supplement Secrets You’re Missing Out On
Supplements: Some people love them, some people hate them. On the one hand, you get those who base their diet around supplements, and have food and training as an afterthought. Then you have those who will never, ever touch supplements under any circumstances, deeming them “processed” and “un-natural.” The truth is, both these camps are way off the mark. Supplements won’t make or break your fat loss – in fact, you don’t NEED them, but there are a few that can have huge benefits, and get you to your goals even quicker than with training and diet alone. The trouble is, there’s a lot of supplement confusion out there. But today, I’ll clear that confusion up once and for all. Vitamin D Do you live somewhere that’s sunny all the time? Where it hardly ever rains and you can walk round in short sleeves 11 and a half months of the year. No? Then you’d benefit from a vitamin D supplement. Our bodies synthesize vitamin D from sunshine, and it plays a vital role in immune support and fighting off colds and sickness. Fish Oil The healthy fats contained in oily fish have so many benefits that they could make up an entire article of their own. All I’ll say for now though, is if you want stronger joints, healthier bones, and quicker weight loss, then a fish oil supplement is a must. You could just eat oily fish every day, but even doing that you wouldn’t get quite enough of the essential fatty acids, plus, do you really want those fishy burps? Multivitamins Even if you eat a varied diet and include fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, you can’t go wrong with a good quality multivitamin. They’re inexpensive, easy to get hold of, and will make you feel instantly better. Creatine Monohydrate Creatine isn’t just for bodybuilders or those looking to get bigger and stronger. It helps in the regeneration of ATP – the fuel your muscles use for exercise – so will mean you can train harder, for longer, and ramp up your results. BCAAs Need a boost in your workout? Then BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) are your answer. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Another fat-fighter, CLA helps keep you lean your round, and supports an effective fat loss diet. Karbolyn For my Carb Cycle program, I rely heavily on Karbolyn. On the high-carb days, it can actually be difficult to get enough carbohydrate from whole-food sources, so a high-carb powder like Karbolyn is a lifesaver. Not only that, but it digests quickly, making it ideal pre-workout for an insane muscle pump. Protein Powder My preferred protein powder is a grass-fed, natural whey powder. Why? Well, I believe it to be the highest quality out there. I don’t like sugars, sweeteners and additives in my protein powder, so I always recommend people to buy grass-fed whey where possible. Protein Bars For a fat loss snack, you can’t beat protein bars. The only issue with many protein bars, however, is the sneaky added fats, sugars and oils that make their way in when manufacturers try to cut corners. You don’t get that with Quest Bars though. ☺ I’ll admit – I actually have a bit of a Quest Bar addiction. They’re not the worst thing to be addicted to though – with over 20 grams of protein per bar, and a whole load of fiber, they’re an awesome on-the-go snack. So, there you have it – my 9 favorite supplements. Now, you don’t need to buy all of them. In fact, you don’t need to buy any of them, but if you want to try some out, and see how supplements can speed up your progress, these are the ones to go for. I’ve made specific recommendations in the video, and linked everything that I personally use, so if you want to see these more in-depth, click the link and head on over. Tweet 6 Share 1 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0
What Supplements Are Really Worth Taking?
Curious to know what supplements are REALLY worth your money? One of the most common questions I get asked is about supplementation. What’s worth the money? What’s safe to use? Should a fat burner be a part of my supplementation? If you feel like you have a number of questions that need answers, the following will provide some insight. Here is a list of my top rated supplements: Health-Promoting Supplements: Okay, first we’re going to talk about the products I believe will support proper health. By nature, they will also support your performance and body composition goals because both of these are easier to achieve when you’re healthy. These are all natural products that will work with your body, rather than against it. Whey Protein First we have whey protein. Now, I always recommend you get as much of your nutrients from real food whenever possible. But, that said, for those who have higher protein requirements, this can be a challenge. A protein supplement can be helpful. If you are going to use a whey, try your best to get a grass fed product. This is the most natural and healthy option available. If you can’t source it, the next best thing is a whey isolate. Aim for one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day as a starting point. Realize if you are training hard, you may need even more. Fish Oil Next we have fish oil. All of us need this. It really is that necessary. Fish oil provides us with omega-3 fats, which have an endless list of health benefits. Realize that if you do eat a lot of fatty fish, especially salmon, you may not need to supplement as much as others, but I recommend you start with 1 gram of DHA per day. Do this and you will be setting yourself up for longterm success. Vitamin D Another key vitamin – vitamin D is also important for overall health. Unless you get a lot of direct sunlight (the best natural way to get vitamin D), you will need to supplement. Read the label and take the dosage indicated. Multi-Vitamin Again, while you should strive to get all your nutrients from real food, having a good multi-vitamin for back-up support is always a wise decision. Just do be sure to get a quality product here. Don’t pick up that bottle of Centrum that you find in the grocery store. Get a product that’s natural and of high quality. Greens Blend For those of you who really struggle to get in enough vegetables in your daily diet, a greens blend is also a smart choice. This will give you the antioxidant support you need to promote superior health. Probiotic Finally, the last health promotion supplement I recommend you consider is a probiotic. This will help to keep your digestive system in proper working order and ensure that you are making use of all the foods you eat as best as possible. Now in addition to these, you can also add in some other products that may help enhance your workout and body composition slightly further. Performance Enhancing Supplements: Creatine This is a very well researched and beneficial supplement and there’s no harmful effects of taking it. A five gram dose per day is typically recommended and you’ll want to make sure you get the creatine monohydrate variety as it’s creatine in its most pure form. Branched Chain Amino Acids BCAA’s are also a wise idea to consider and will help to delay the onset of fatigue. If you find you’re running out of energy early on in your workouts, BCAA’s, can help. I’d recommend starting around 7.5 grams per day, however if you are training hard, you can take this up to 10-15 grams per day. Caffeine Finally, you might wonder about fat burners. Should you use one? I would say no. Firmly. Fat burners will mess you up if you aren’t careful and are not natural for the body at all. Need an energy boost? Go for a cup of coffee instead. Caffeine is the most under-rated fat burner out there and you can get it right from your coffee pot. No fancy supplement needed. If you need other ideas for a pre-workout energy boost, check out my video where I discuss this here. There’s no need to turn to a fat burner in my opinion, so I’d recommend you stay away. So there you have my line-up of supplement recommendations. Stick to these and you can feel confident you’re hard-earned dollars are being put to good use. Bonus: SHOULD You Be Taking Supplements? One question I got a lot (perhaps even more so than WHAT supplements should I take) is WHY should I be taking supplements? Well, here’s the deal … No one “needs” supplements. With a solid diet, a structured workout routine and a lot of dedication, you can achieve your goals. But, if you really want to ramp up your results, and not only get that extra 5% boost, but get there quicker, too – this is where supplements come in. With a highly-efficient workout plan such as HIIT MAX that focuses on burning as many calories in a single, short session as possible, and has an emphasis on pushing you to your limits, so you never hit a plateau – I’d say supplements become more important. To make the most of the metabolic adaptations imposed by HIIT MAX™, and maximize recovery, then all the supplements here are well worth taking. To learn more about how HIIT MAX™ can get you to your best body ever, click here Tweet 3 Share 14 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0
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The #1 Reason People Fail To Lose Weight
Here’s a quick question for you: What’s the #1 mistake that prevents people from losing weight? In my experience, the answer is simple. It’s progression (or lack of it) Here’s the deal… So many people workout every day, yet they don’t get the results they want. Why? Usually, it’s because of a misunderstanding of one vital element – progression. Look, progression in exercise means you’re increasing the difficulty of your workout by manipulating one or more of the following: 1. Exercise 2. Repetition 3. Resistance 4. Rest The progressive overload principle states that in order to make progress (bigger muscles, more strength or a more efficient energy system) your muscles must be continually challenged with new training stimuli, or they’ll cease to adapt. So, we all need to learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable (get outside your comfort zone. This could translate into: lifting more weight, doing more reps, implementing harder exercises or simply performing them faster. Once that becomes comfortable, get uncomfortable again. This is what training is all about—continuous progression and muscle confusion. With this in mind, never ever sacrifice proper form. This is non-negotiable. Here’s the slogan I love to repeat to my clients: “Keep the muscles guessing, keep the muscles growing”. Here are some simple methods to ensure you’re always progressing toward your health and fitness goals. 1. Progress Your Exercises As obvious as this one may be, it’s often overlooked. When progressing your exercises they should gradually become more and more challenging. Performing the same exercises week after week isn’t going to have the same impact as switching them up to make your routine more challenging. So, if you want to lose more weight or build more muscle, switch things up. 2. Progress Your Reps When progressing your reps, first make sure you are using proper form throughout each and every set. Sometimes just tweaking your form is enough to add just the right amount of difficulty to your routine. After you have reached a near perfect form, only then begin to slowly add reps based on your current physical limitations. It’s recommended that you add 1-2 reps to each set while keeping the weight and rest periods the same. 3. Progress Your Weight This is the most common method of progressing from one workout to the next. This big problem here is that many trainees do it wrong. The problem isn’t the eagerness to move more weight, instead their form hasn’t been perfected at the lower weight yet. “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect. – Vince Lombardi” Make no mistake, for successful results and a lower risk of injury, it’s best to perform full-range-of-motion reps with lighter weight, than performing sloppy reps with a heavier weight. The general rule of thumb when increasing resistance is to complete two or more repetitions above the desired repetition range, but do this in the last set, in two consecutive workouts for any given exercise. Once this has been accomplished, you can increase the weight by 2%-10% depending on your physical capability. 4. Rest (Time in between sets) When decreasing your rest in between sets, keep the weight and rep/set scheme the same. This increases the difficulty of the exercise as you’re challenging your body to recover faster. After you have successfully made this progression then increase the weight as well as the rest periods and start over with this progression. Summary Progression is vital in your weight loss journey. In my experience, it is the #1 mistake that prevents people from losing weight. Use the steps given above to analyze your own workouts, and then see where you make one progression today. If you do this, you will begin to see your physique transform. Let’s get fit together! Tweet 0 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0
The BIG Fat Calorie Counting Lie
I’m sure you’ve heard the calories-in vs. calories-out argument. It goes something like this… If you want to lose weight, all you need to do is create a calorie deficit. To do this, simply eat fewer calories than you burn each day. I hear this all the time, even by many so-called health experts. But this statement is not completely true. In fact, it neglects to mention a very important part of the weight loss process. You see, it is vital that you take the source of the calories into account. No one can claim that the calories from a cheeseburger are equivalent to the calories from a bowl of fruit. And yet, this common mantra persists. As a side note, the proponents of the low fat diet make the same mistake, which is something I will address in another blog post. For now, realize that a label with “low calorie” printed on it does not make any indication of health or nutritional quality. Many times, food manufacturers like to use these labels, as they know people will confuse them as a sign of health. Not all calories are created equal Various studies have shown that not all calories are alike. It is very important to know that the quality of the calories you eat will determine the number of calories that you burn. This is because the calories that are digested have a major impact on the body’s metabolism. For example, calories from protein will increase your metabolism, leading to more fat burning potential. Eat calories that increase your metabolism Keep in mind – you want to eat calories that increase your metabolism, allow your body to burn calories efficiently and keep off the excess pounds. You should also look at foods that prevent a surge of blood sugar when digested (as this will avoid a spike in insulin – which leads to fat storage). As such, the best foods in this regard (and coincidentally the most healthy) are healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, seeds and lean meats. Certain calories slow your metabolism As noted above, what you eat will affect your metabolism. Foods with a high glycemic index will eventually lead to a slower metabolism, meaning weight gain (the glycemic index measures the rate of digested food and how quickly it converts to glucose, before entering the bloodstream). So, if you want to lose weight and burn fat from your body, you MUST remove processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugars from your diet. Doing this will ensure that the majority of your calories are from whole foods, which are nutritious and healthy. This will help to build a lean body and you will notice weight loss each week. In summary, don’t fall into the calories in v calories out fallacy. In fact, you don’t really need to count calories at all if you simply eat whole, natural foods. Tweet 0 Share 1 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0