Time Your Cheat Meals So You Don’t Store Fat


Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how and when I eat cheat meals. So, I wanted to address that subject here.

If you are looking to burn fat, and change your body for the better, then this will be a very important lesson for you.

Before getting into that, I should cover what your general diet should consist of: whole foods (from as close to nature as possible). For example, eat meats, vegetables, seeds, nuts, a little fruit, and a little starch.

In other words, you should have removed the refined sugars and the processed foods from your diet before you begin with this lesson.

With that said, let’s look at the major concepts around the idea of cheat meals.

The 3 Main Things to Consider

1. Resiliency– unless you put certain foods into your body, you will not know how those foods make you feel. This means that when you usually have a very clean diet and then cheat with sugar or processed foods, you will immediately notice the effects. It will be very clear to you how those foods affect your body, and you will become clear that they are not healthy or good for you.

2. 90/10 Rule– this means that 90% of the time you will eat clean foods. The other 10% of meals can come from cheat meals. To figure out how many meals this equates to over the week, just divide your weekly meals by 10.

This is a good rule of thumb to follow if your training is dialed in. And, you will be very successful by following this ratio.

3. Timing– this concept follows from the 90/10 rule, and makes it even more effective. By using this rule you will store even less body fat, and really start to perfect your fat-loss routine.

Why Carb Timing Is So Important

The harder you train, the more glucose your body uses. This means that your body can absorb more glucose after you train, without storing it as fat. As such, the best time to consume carbs (cheat meals) is after your highest intensity training.

So, figure out when you will be intensely training during the week, and schedule your cheat meal right after that workout (within 30 to 45 minutes).

Lastly, be sure to include some protein with every meal, including your cheat meals because there are several benefits.


Use the 3 concepts above and you will really start to see major changes in your body. You will also feel good about your nutrition plan, as it allows for some variety and keeps things interesting.