3 Distinct Correlations That Link Stress To Binge Eating


Do you find yourself binging under stressful situations?

You’re not alone.

In fact, I remember when I was in college, stayed up all night cramming for that 9am mid-term.  I absolutely hated the cravings.  It was like I stayed hungry all night long.

Binge_Eating_MaleI was constantly reaching for my comfort foods; frozen pizza, cereal, and my all-time favorite candy Starburst.

What I didn’t realize at the time was WHY..?

For me it was the pressure of college, maybe it’s something different for you.

With that in mind, if we understand where this urge comes from; then we can better prepare and our chances of controlling it increase ten-fold.

What is the “hunger hormone”, and how do we trigger it…?

Research suggests ghrelin, aka the “hunger hormone” plays a key role in triggering individuals to indulge in high-calorie, high-fat “comfort foods” in response to stress.

Researchers have also discovered that ghrelin influences the transmission of nerve signals to the area of the brain associated with pleasure and reward behaviors

Many experts believe this to be the reason why we more often than not reach for these so called “comfort foods” during times of stress.

The stress is inevitable… How do I get control?

You can control ghrelin by making sure you eat throughout the day. I normally recommend that my clients eat every 3-4 hours and to make sure to include protein and healthy carbs.

Additionally, make sure to get enough sleep (8 hours is recommended).  Exercise regularly and try to reduce stressful situations.  This may mean less commitments, or maybe you need to take a relationship inventory.

Often times the stress in our lives can be caused by friends and family.

It may be time to discuss your feelings and the effects of certain people in your inner circle.  They will understand if they truly love you and care about your well-being.

Remember to take care of yourself, you’re the only one you’ve got!