4 Things Supplement Companies Don’t Want You To Know About Casein


Casein is the primary protein found in milk and cheese.

Out of the true proteins found in milk, 82 percent is casein. The other major protein in milk is whey.

I strongly believe in reducing and/or eliminating dairy from the diet all together.

Here’s why…

I speak from experience when I say I had adverse effects from consuming casein. What can I say, it came highly recommended by the sales associate at my local GNC.

So I gave it an honest shot, this was before I made the decision to only use all natural supplements.I tested casein, the GNC brand for 3 straight days.

What a nightmare!

I read the directions and consumed it according to the specifications on the label. On each of the 3 days I drank a casein shake before bed. At least that’s what I intended to do, was go to bed. That was before I broke out in hives.

The first night I couldn’t pin point it, but on day 2 I knew exactly what was. I thought fair enough, the hives weren’t so bad they were going to kill me, they were just uncomfortable and third times always a charm right?!

Needless to say I returned it. GNC stands behind everything so it was a very easy transaction. Now I realize that supplements react differently for everyone. But I couldn’t help myself to go looking for some information.

If I had these adverse effects surely it can’t be good for others whether they are experiencing these same reactions or not. What I found was quite interesting to say the least.

If you aren’t familiar with the adverse affects on the body from consuming milk and dairy products, check out this article and then read on to find out why it’s primary protein isn’t what it’s marketed to be.

  1. Consuming casein is very often accompanied by some unwanted side affects, such as allergies, heart burn, gas and an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. Casein causes an increase of the body’s mucus. The fact that casein is not easily digestible, it can result in a sinus infection. Over time, these foods can clog the intestines with thick mucus, along with the fecal matter and other debris it traps.
  3. It’s used for making glue. Yes, you read that right. The process of making casein glue is almost identical to making cheese. Casein glue has a long lifespan, is very strong and very water resistant. Some other products made from casein: paper coating, leather finishing, and even a form of paint. It really doesn’t sound like something that we should be ingesting.
  4. There are many studies linking casein to increased risk of cancer. Considering milk and dairy consumption increases the body’s level of insulin-like growth factor-1, IGF-1, this certainly means casein does.

Casein can be found in more products than you think; protein bars and powders, coffee creamers, cheese products, whipped toppings, ice creams and frozen desserts, baked goods, meat products, and even infant foods.

Nearly all of these items are not beneficial to your health. Do yourself a favor and avoid all processed foods as well as dairy and you will reap  major benefits.

As always I encourage you to do your own research to decide what’s right for your body.

Let’s get fit together,

– Michael