5 Nutrition Musts For Any Diet To Thrive


Every diet I’ve ever read ALWAYS claims to be the best out there. I believe there are some solid choices and some others that are not so hot.

One thing I know based on hundreds of client trails, is that there are 5 things that if implemented correctly will take any diet to the next level.

Maybe you are doing just fine on your current regimen… I can assure that if you take a minute to dial in the 5 things from this video, the diet you think is doing just fine, will be that much better.

Nutritional Guidelines:

1. Protein Consumption (both male and female)
  • 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.
  • Eat your protein first, chew it slowly.
2. Hydration Status (this doesn’t include other beverages)
  • One-half body weight in ounces per day.
3. Food Quality (stick to whole foods from as close to nature as possible)
  • Lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, little fruit, little starch, no sugar.
  • This means nothing processed, no refined carbs, and no sugars.
4. Frequency (consistency is key)
  • Everyone’s schedule allows for something different. Don’t get hung up on having to eat a certain number of times because you have been told to do so.
  • The important thing is to get all of your macros in, whether that’s 3 square meals or 6 small meals. Consistency is what you are after here.
5. Food Intolerance Tracking (how you feel after each meal)
  • Be aware of how you feel. And make note of it. Most professionals don’t even go here. But, it’s so important to your long-term health and wellness.
  • Use a simple scoring system in your food log.
  • Then remove those foods from your diet for 21 to 30 days. You can reintroduce those foods to pinpoint your food intolerances, and then make your decision on whether or not to get rid of them all together.

By implementing the above, you will dramatically improve your diet, mood, energy levels, and even sleep patterns.

Give them a shot, stay consistent, and then let me know how they are working for you.