10 Reasons Organic Is Better For Your Health

While we all recognize that organic foods come with a heftier price tag, not all of us see the benefits of organic foods in comparison to conventional. So what are the reasons we should be buying organic? Here are 10, just to name a few: 1. Free of neurotoxins A commonly-used type of pesticides called organophosphates was originally developed as a toxic nerve agent during World War I. When there was no longer a need for them in warfare, the food industry adapted them to kill pests on foods. Many pesticides are still considered neurotoxins, toxins that are damaging to the brain and nerve cells. 2. Your children’s health A child’s growing brain and body is far more susceptible to toxins than an adult’s is. Organic foods nourishes their bodies without pesticides and GMOs (genetically-modified organisms). 3. Higher nutrient content Organic foods are found to be higher in antioxidants, vitamin C, nitrates, polyphenol, and even a bit higher in protein. The reason for this is the lack of use of the toxic pesticides. 4. Help the livelihood of independent family farmers Organic foods grown on small organic farms help ensure independent family farmers can thrive and make a living. Consider buying local organic food as the domestic version of fair trade. These farms care enough about our health to not take the easy route of growing conventionally, let’s support them! 5. Safer for the environment Millions that tax payers fork out for removing chemicals from drinking water. This is mainly as a result of the pesticides and fertilizers used in conventional farming. 6. Safer for animals Research has shown that organic farming is better for wildlife, creates less pollution from sprays and produces less of the global warming gas carbon dioxide. In addition, Animal welfare is a crucial and integral part of organic standards.The benefits of the organic approach are acknowledged by animal welfare organizations such as Compassion in World Farming. 7. Decreases your exposure to antibiotics, hormones and drugs from animal foods Organic standards prohibit the routine use of all three of these. 8. Decreases your cancer risk The United States EPA considers 90% of fungicides, 60% of herbicides, and 30% of insecticides to be potentially cancer-causing. Cancer rates continue to climb every year in the U.S. Shouldn’t we start looking for the sources? What we put into our body surely has to play a part. 9. Organic foods are tested, GMO’s are not. Don’t be the government’s guinea pig Organic food comes from trusted sources. All organic farms and food companies are inspected at least once a year to establish the compliance with the Irish and European regulations. 10. It tastes better! Researchers at Washington State University just proved this as fact in lab taste trials where the organic berries were consistently judged as sweeter. Plus, new research verifies that some organic produce is often lower in nitrates and higher in antioxidants than conventional food. Like many people, you are probably wondering, “How am I going to afford to buy all organic?” The truth is that you don’t necessarily have to buy all organic. You can improve your health by purchasing organic when it comes to the foods that get sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides the most. Here is a list of the foods that you should be buying organic: 1. Apples 2. Celery 3. Sweet bell peppers 4. Peaches 5. Strawberries 6. Nectarines – imported 7. Grapes 8. Spinach 9. Lettuce 10. Cucumbers 11. Blueberries – domestic 12. Potatoes   Another great option is to make an all-natural fruit and vegetable wash. Fill your sink up with water, add 1 cup of vinegar. Add your fruits and/or vegetables and stir a bit. Let them soak for 10 minutes and remove. Wipe with a cloth and you’re done! Tweet 0 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

The #1 Way to Burn Fat Above All Else

Do you know how we burn most of our calories? Surprisingly, it’s not through exercise. It’s not by simply being active day to day. And it’s not through what we eat. (That includes even if you eat a high-protein diet, which encourages a greater calorie burn.) Nope, the way we burn most of our calories is through our Resting Metabolic Rate, or RMR.   Redefining RMR So what exactly is RMR? Essentially, it’s the calories you burn while at rest, but not sleeping. It might sound crazy – your body actually burns calories and torches fat while you do more or less nothing, but here’s the cool thing – your body is ALWAYS working. Just think about it – your organs are working, you’re breathing, blood is pumping in and around your body, you’re creating hormones and enzymes – so many things are going on, that your body has to keep on burning calories while you rest. Even when you sleep you’re burning calories. In fact, this is so important, that 60 to 70% of the calories you burn every single day come from RMR. That’s compared to 20 to 30% that come from exercise, and 10 to 15% from digestion (Thermic Effect Of Food). I explain more in this video – So now, can you see just how critical RMR is? But that leaves us with a question: If RMR plays such a huge role in how many calories we burn, and how quickly and how efficiently we burn body fat, then what can we do to increase this and accelerate our progress?   More Muscle You know me – I always talk about how having more muscle is critical. And sometimes, I think people assume that I’m trying to turn them into bodybuilders and strongmen – but I’m not. The reason why muscle mass matters, is because the more muscle you have, the higher your RMR. It takes your body more energy (and therefore more calories) to preserve lean muscle mass than it does to preserve fat, which means that if you’re carrying extra muscle, your metabolism is higher, you’re burning calories faster, and you’ll lose fat quicker.   Lose an Extra 7-10 Pounds This Year? Let’s put some math into the equation here, to look at just how effective more muscle can be when it comes to losing fat. The average woman, weighing 140 pounds at a height of 5’5 has an RMR of around 1400. A man, at 180 pounds and 5’10 has an RMR of roughly 1900. Can you imagine – if you could add a few pounds of muscle and boost your RMR by even just 5%, that could have an enormous impact. An extra 5% on 1400 means an additional calorie burn of 70 per day for our lady, and 5% of 1900 is an extra 95 calories for the guy. Over the course of a year, that adds up to 25,550 calories and 34,675 calories respectively. Or, to put it another way (bearing in mind there are 3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat) – a little more muscle could mean our 140-pound girl could lose over 7 pounds of fat, and for our man – almost 10 pounds.   Muscle Myths Adding muscle will not make you big and bulky. The guys you see in the bodybuilding magazine specifically train to get that way. They have ultra-complex routines, follow mass gain diets, and take a whole host of supplements. Additionally, it’s taken them years, if not decades, to get that big. All we’re talking about here is adding a little lean mass by way of weight training, circuits, bodyweight moves, and even HIIT work.   The Bottom Line: Build Muscle to Lose Fat You can do all the cardio you like – as much jogging as fits your heart’s desire. You can cut your calorie obscenely low and live off salads and grilled chicken breast. And you might lose a little weight, but eventually, that will slow right down, as your body has no mass to keep your metabolism ticking. Or, you could focus on building a little muscle, taking your RMR through the roof, burning extra calories every single minute of every single day, and making your fat loss easier for life. Remember, check out the video for even more tips and advice –   Tweet 0 Share 1 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

What to Expect When You Start Dropping Body Fat

3 SHARES ShareTweet Changing your lifestyle and beginning new eating habits can be hard work and it can be more difficult if you aren’t aware of all the changes your body is going through. Knowing what you should expect when dropping the fat can both help you be aware of the small changes and keep you motivated. If you’re on our new Shred Fast meal plan, you’re probably wondering exactly what you can expect during your first 30 days. Our new meal plans combine the benefits of intermittent fasting with the power of carb-cycling to boost your results quicker than you thought was previously possible. And unlike other diets out there, this is healthy and sustainable, teaching you healthy eating habits that you won’t bounce back to your old body. With these plans, you can expect to see a lot of changes happening with your body, even during your first Shred Fast. As you make your way through your first plan, you’ll begin to see so many changes, but they may not all be the changes that would expect. Yes, you’ll start dropping body fat, but you will also begin to see many other changes, as well. Be sure to keep an eye out for some of these changes so you can recognize just how much progress you are making. This blog will show you… What changes you will see as you begin to lose weight Why you shouldn’t worry about what the scale says Other ways to track your progress besides stepping on the scale WHAT CHANGES WILL YOU SEE? Loose Clothing – One of the first changes you’ll see in regards to your body is your belly, as you begin to notice your stomach shrinking and your clothes starting to become more and looser on you. Less Bloating – When you change the way you eat, and what you eat by cutting out processed foods, your digestion will begin to improve. This will cause you to reduce bloating because your body isn’t become inflamed from all the damaging food you were probably eating before you started your Shred Fast. More Energy – You will feel more energized on your high carb days because of the added carbohydrates you are providing your body. This gives you added energy to get to help you get tworkoutour work out and really boost your results. Morning Clarity – Fasting has a profound effect on the mind, and as you fast, you can expect to feel more clear and focused in the morning. DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE SCALE When you’re on the Shred Fast and trying to lose fat, the last thing you want to depend on is the scale. Often when people try to lose weight and lower their body fat, they become dependent on the scale to show change and let them know if they are successful. Keeping track of change is good, but not when you are reliant on a number. Instead, track your changes by the ones you have seen in the mirror and the way you are feeling. Health isn’t about what the scale is telling you, and the scale can’t accurately calculate the significant changes your body is going through. So next time you go to step on the scale, take note of the changes you see within yourself first. HOW TO TRACK YOUR PROGRESS Rather than jumping on the scale to see your progress, there are many other ways for you to keep track of your results and see the real changes. Take Photos Because we see ourselves every day, it can be hard to notice just how much fat we are losing by just looking in the mirror day after day. Yes, you will see changes when you look in the mirror, but to really get the full effect take a photo of yourself from the front, side, and back. Do this when you start your Shred Fast meal plan. Then, repeat this process at the end. When you take a photo before and after your meal plan, you can lay them side by side and really understand just how much your body has changed. Keep a Journal As you make your way through the meal plan keep a journal of how you are feeling. Write down how you feel in the morning, after you eat, and at night. This way you can compare notes day to day and see the small changes in your mood, energy, and clarity. By the end of the Shred Fast, you should be seeing major differences in how you feel on the inside. Remember, not all changes are physical, and health isn’t just about body fat. Health is also about feeling good and having a body that is functioning properly. If your body is unhealthy on the inside and you feel horrible all the time, the changes you see on the outside won’t matter. As you clean up your diet, your body will begin to function better, and the results you see on the outside will be a reflection of what is going on inside. Your journal is also a great place to take note of the physical changes you begin to notice on the outside. What is the first day you saw a different? What is the first day you woke up and felt really good? These are significant milestones that you should include in your journal throughout your journey. When losing weight and fighting fat the small milestones are just as important, if not more important, than your final goal. These will keep you motivated, moving forward, and get more results. 3 SHARES ShareTweet

Top Ingredients In Big Supplements

6 SHARES ShareTweet Do you know what is in your supplements? Before you read this blog grab your protein powder and look at the ingredient deck. How many ingredients do you see? Are there any you are surprised at? Or are there any ingredients you don’t know or can’t even pronounce? Chances are if you are using supplements that seem to be trending big on social media and among some of your favorite athletes you are probably consuming stuff you shouldn’t be. Some of these ingredients may even be harmful to your health and may be hurting your goals. In this post,  you’ll see… Some of the most popular protein ingredients decks out there Why you should avoid some of these nasty ingredients What the cleanest protein on the market is MOST POPULAR INGREDIENT DECKS Take a look at some of the following ingredient decks from some of the most popular protein supplements on the market today. There is a big chance that one of these could be the supplement you are taking. Dry milk? Artificial flavors? Sucralose? Acesulfame potassium? Why do you need all this? If you are lactose intolerant, this is not going to be the protein for you, even if it didn’t have all the artificial flavors and sweeteners in it. More artificial flavors, sucralose, and acesulfame potassium. This protein also has soy, which is no good. Again, we see another big name protein supplement with artificial flavors and sucralose as a sweetener. Plus, why do you need all these ingredients to make your protein consumable?   These last two have very few ingredients, which is a nice change from the first protein, but they still have artificial flavors, sweeteners, and soy. They could even possibly be from the same manufacturer. LET ME ASK YOU SOMETHING  Do any of these ingredient decks look familiar? If so, maybe you should be reconsidering the protein you are putting into your body. Every single one of these proteins contains sucralose, an artificial sweetener that is has been shown to be damaging to the bacteria in your gut and can even create toxic compounds in your body [1, 2]. Many of them also contain acesulfame potassium, another artificial sweetener that is 200 times as sweet as sugar and can even be responsible for weight gain [3]. We all want our protein to taste good, but you don’t have to resort to artificial sweeteners that will be harmful to your body and your goals. The type of sweetener you use is important and there are so many different types on the market. Sucralose is the most commonly used artificial sweetener, but there are others you should keep an eye out for as well. Artificial sweeteners can be harmful and do even more damage than the sugar you are told to stay away from. You also may notice that the majority of popular protein supplements contain soy, which can be very harmful to your health as it raises your risk of cancer and can affect your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. This means the ingredients in your protein may be preventing you from getting the full benefits. Good protein isn’t cheap so why waste your money on a product that could be harming you and your body isn’t fully utilizing? You won’t find these ingredients in Morellifit Protein because it is made with all natural ingredients. This means nothing artificial. No sucralose. No artificial flavors. Period. You also won’t find soy in Morellifit Protein because we know how damaging it can be. Click here to see just how soy supplements can be damaging your health and why a high-quality whey isolate protein is the only way to go. WHAT IS THE CLEANEST WHEY PROTEIN? Morellifit Protein is the cleanest whey isolate you will find on the market today that also tastes amazing. Just look at our ingredient deck and compare it the ones seen above:   Yup, that’s it. And don’t worry, we don’t sacrifice flavor for healthier ingredients. This protein is healthy and delicious. Nutrition is 80% of your goals and is crucial to living a long and healthy life, so why pollute it with artificial ingredients and things that will only hurt you in the long run? This protein provides real health, not just so that you can look your best, but also so you can feel your best. 6 SHARES ShareTweet

How Does Lack of Sleep Impact Your Health?

2 SHARES ShareTweet We know that sleep is important, but the fact of the matter is that too many of us don’t get the sleep we need. There is a constant urge and expectation for us to get as much accomplished in a single day as possible and sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours to get everything done. Our society is so competitive that we often trade the time we should be sleeping to trying to accomplish more. This doesn’t exactly work and can often be counterproductive as it slows down your production time. Yes, you may get a little more done that day, but the next day you are much less likely to be as efficient and will become less productive as a result. And there is a difference between staying up too late for a night or two and it becoming a normal routine. For so many people, late nights and early morning is the norm, but what exactly are we doing to our body? In this post, you’ll learn: The impact little sleep can have on your body Why diet and exercise is not enough to stay healthy We’ve talked about how sleep directly correlates with your ability to fight fat, but this isn’t the only thing that it does, as it can trigger health issues that affect your everyday life.  If you are constantly getting less than 7-8 hours a night, the recommended amount of sleep to stay healthy, then you are putting your health at serious risk. Not only this, but you may be impacting your ability to properly function throughout the day. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DON’T SLEEP?  Lowers Your Immune Response – When you don’t get enough sleep your immune system can be impacted, reducing your body’s ability to fight off illness, not to mention that illness can alter your sleep patterns [1]. Increase Risk for Coronary Heart Disease – The European Heart Journal found that getting too little sleep, and even too much sleep, can be a predictor of Coronary Heart Disease and stroke [2]. Impaired Memory – A growing body of research is pointing to a lack of sleep as a cause for forgetfulness and the decreased ability to learn new information. Research shows that sleep impacts the consolidation of memory, which directly affects your brain’s ability to process information and recall information. This is essential for learning new information [3]. Increases Risk for Diabetes – An article published by the American Diabetes Association shows that lack of sleep may increase a person’s danger of developing adult-onset diabetes. The article explains that studies show a correlation between a lower risk of type-2 diabetes with those getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night. More sleep can lead to a delay or prevention of developing diabetes [4]. Increased Weight Gain – As mentioned above, your sleep cycle can directly correlate with your body’s ability to fight fat and messes with your ability to decipher hunger signals. A study published in Sleeping and Breathing looked at 21,469 adults and how much sleep impacted their weight gain. Over the course of three years, those who got less than 5 hours of sleep were significantly more likely to gain weight and become obese [5]. ⚡ Related: How to hack your sleep to fight fat and avoid weight gain! You May Lose Your Looks – Ok, so beauty isn’t everything and looks are only skin deep, but that doesn’t mean that most people don’t want to look their best. In fact, lack of sleep directly impacts your skin. A 2013 study shows that people who sleep less tend to age more quickly, have more wrinkles, have more uneven pigmentation, and looser skin. The amount of sleep also reflected how a person perceived their looks. People who got less sleep felt less favorably about their appearance than those who got more sleep. There really is truth in the practice of getting your “beauty rest” [6]. Higher Rates of Cancer – Study shows that lack of sleep over time can lead to higher risk of developing prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. It is suggested that the melatonin suppression due to the lack of sleep may promote cancer cell development or growth [7]. I EAT WELL AND EXERCISE… ISN’T THAT ENOUGH? When we talk about health, our main focus is normally on exercise and nutrition, but a poor sleep schedule can sabotage and undo your hard work. Like most of us, you probably try to avoid unhealthy foods so that you don’t get sick and develop a disease and the same practice should be taken when you approach your sleep cycle. Would you knowingly consume food that could lead to higher risks of cancer and heart disease on a daily basis and just hope you don’t get sick? Of course not, so why would you trade hours of sleep on a regular basis when it can do just that? When it comes to maintaining your health and reaching your goals, nutrition, exercise, and sleep are the three key factors that can work together or sabotage one another. If you are eating right, on a Custom Meal Plan and exercise every day, but you are not sleeping at night, you may be destroying your efforts. If you are exercising and sleeping, but eating a crappy diet, you may again be destroying your efforts because you can’t out train a bad diet. If you are eating right and sleeping right, but not exercising, you may be missing out on a key element to staying healthy, with the average adult needing 7-9 hours each and every night. In fact, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help you get a better night’s sleep so you can be at your best.

Homemade Vitamin C Gummy Bears

0 SHARES ShareTweet If you have kids then you know how much they love their snacks and gummies, or fruit snacks, are some of the most popular kid snacks around. But often they can include harmful ingredients we don’t really want to be giving our kids, such as artificial dyes and additives. Discover below: How to make healthy gummy bears your kids will love!   Benefits of taking a vitamin C gummy   Top signs of being vitamin C deficient Other ways to maintain a healthy level of vitamin C That is why we wanted to bring you a homemade, all natural gummies that your kids will absolutely love! Plus it has a nice shot of vitamin C so you can give them to your kids, knowing they are good for them and can help to keep them healthy. This is the perfect snack that your kids will absolutely adore! They’re so good and so healthy that you may want to grab a few for yourself as well! We know you want your kids to be able to enjoy fun snacks ALL NATURAL VITAMIN C GUMMY BEARS Ingredients:  ½ cup hot (not boiling) water 1 cup cold 100% fruit juice of your choice ¼ cup raw unfiltered honey (warmed to dissolve the graininess) ¼ cup organic unflavored gelatin 1 tbsp pure vitamin c powder (optional) Directions: Whisk together the fruit juice and the raw honey until combined well. Put half of the juice and honey mixture into a separate bowl and quickly combine the mixture with the gelatin. Immediately add all of the hot water and the rest of the juice. Whisk together until everything until it is fully dissolved. Using a silicone mold, fill the molds until they are full. Place in the refrigerator for 40 minutes and gently remove the gummies from the gold and serve. BENEFITS OF VITAMIN C FOR YOU AND YOUR KIDS Boost Immunity – We all hate being sick and even more, we had when our kids are sick. Luckily, vitamin C may help. The intake of vitamin C may boost you and your kid’s immune systems. There has been much debate and speculation about its ability to prevent the common cold. Although this is not supported by research, studies do show that consuming an adequate amount of vitamin C can help reduce the severity and length of the common cold in adults and children who were active [1]. Oral Health – Vitamin C is essential to oral health and a deficiency in it can lead to bleeding gums and gum disease such as gingivitis [2].  Asthma – Study shows that when administered vitamin C before exercising, those with asthma saw up to a 52% improvement in their breathing [3]. This can help reduce the effects of asthma in kids who are active. Blood Pressure – While blood pressure may not be the number one concern of your child, as it is something we associate with adults, but high blood pressure can happen at any age. Some research suggests that it can have a positive influence in maintaining healthy blood pressure [4, 5]. SIGNS OF LOW VITAMIN C Although it is rare to be deficient in vitamin C these days, as it is also found in plenty of foods, it does happen and exists in about 10-14% of the population, including adults and children. This deficiency is usually attributed to the lack of a nutrient-rich diet [6]. There are several signs of vitamin C deficiency, including dry hair, dry skin, gingivitis, nosebleeds, easy bruising, and the inability to ward off infection. An extreme deficiency in vitamin C can lead to the development of scurvy [7]. See the chart below to see how much vitamin C you and your children need every day. Overconsumption of vitamin C is not dangerous and effect of overconsumption are mild, resulting in a headache, nausea, or diarrhea. Megadoses of vitamin C can also result in kidney stones, insomnia, and vomiting. For these symptoms, you would have to consume around 2,900 mg a day. Overall, vitamin C has a low toxicity and so most of the excess is flushed out of the body [8]. HOW TO DO YOU MAINTAIN A HEALTHY LEVEL OF VITAMIN C Getting enough vitamin C into your diet is pretty easy if you are consuming a diet full of whole foods, such as seen on your Custom Meal Plan. Your diet should include a healthy level of fruits and vegetables, otherwise, further supplementation can be taken in the form of pills or chewables, such as the gummies provided here. These gummies are a great way to also make sure your kids are getting enough vitamin C into their diet and gaining all the health benefits.

How Big Food Wants To Keep You in the Dark

0 SHARES ShareTweet Do you remember the talk about the new nutrition label that was supposed to be rolled out on July 26th of next year? Well, it was just indefinitely delayed. In this blog, you’ll discover… The difference between the proposed nutrition label and the one we have now How the nutrition label impacts how we eat our food Whether the new label would be enough to change our eating habits Why the new label has been delayed and for how long How to be sure you are eating right, despite the confusing nutrition label In May of 2016, the FDA finalized new requirements for nutrition labels which were to go into effect within two years, three years for manufacturers with sales totaling less than $10 million. This new nutrition label was supposed to help consumers become more aware of the foods they were eating. Among these changes, the new labels had to not only include the sugars within the product but also separately include how much of those sugars are added to the product. It was also supposed to require the calorie count of the product to be largely displayed on the label so that it was easier to see. Currently, over three-quarters of packaged food sold in the US and the average American is consuming 4X the amount of recommended sugar allowance every day [1]. All of these added sugars are beginning to affect the health of the entire country. This new addition to the label would allow consumers to differentiate between sugars that naturally occur in the food and sugars that have been added. Before this, it all fell under one label. The new label is also supposed to update the serving size, which has not been updated in over 20 years. Traditionally there is no rule for serving size and is determined by the company and what they deem reasonable. This means the serving size can be adjusted and manipulated so that the nutritional content of the food seems reasonable. The new label, however, is supposed to update the serving size to reflect the amount someone would likely eat. This causes the nutrition to be determined by the serving size, rather than the other way around. Over the years the average amount that people consume during each meal had changed drastically as companies have tried to find ways to sell us more food and while these portions have increased, the serving size on the labels have remained the same. This has resulted in people over consuming the recommended serving size that is put onto the packages, causing us to eat larger portions than we realize. Plus, how it may be affecting your body and your health. The way servings sizes are shown would also be changed on the packages, and those that contain multiple servings would have to include a second column that reflects the nutritional information per package. This means on these food packages consumers will be given a column with nutritional information pertaining to a single serving and another column showing the nutritional information pertaining to the entire package. IS A NEW LABEL THE ANSWER? When it comes to nutrition we all know that there are many issues facing our health, whether it be the culture of how we consume food, the lack of education behind what a healthy diet is, and the production of unhealthy food in the means of food that is processed and meat coming out of factory farms. By no means is the nutrition label and these changes intended to solve every problem that we have when it comes to nutrition and how we consume food, and some would argue that it doesn’t go far enough. Yes, the new label would provide more information regarding actual calories you may be consuming and how much sugar has been added to the food, but it doesn’t address ingredient decks. Some argue that the ingredient decks should also be broken down and be more clear. For example, a packaging that says it contains natural flavors… what are these flavors? What does this mean to the average person? When the first ingredient on a package is fruit, we know that this means there is more fruit percentage-wise than any other ingredient, but how much is that? Were pesticides used on the ingredients in this food and if so, what kind? One way to know what is going into the food you are consuming on a daily basis is to stay informed of policies that are put into place and the effect each may have on your food. WHY IS THE NUTRITION LABEL BEING DELAYED? FOR HOW LONG? Unfortunately, there is no time frame telling us how long the new nutrition label will be delayed nor has a date been given for when companies will need to comply, or even if it will ever be reinstated. Rather, the FDA states that details will be given “at a later time” [2]. The delay came about as lobbyists from major food corporations pressured the FDA to delay the deadline, citing that they needed more time to comply with the changes. Their reasoning is that it would cost more to comply within the given time frame. You can read the letter from the major food industries here. With this sudden halting of the nutrition label requirements, some corporations such as PepsiCo, Kind, Wheat Thins, Mars, and Lays Chips have already completed the work and are ready for the original compliance deadline, with new labels already in place. Some are now arguing that this puts companies such as these at a disadvantage as their nutrition labels may seem less appealing than products with the old label. Because of the response of the companies who have already made the change, the question becomes whether or not the industries in the letter truly need more time, or don’t want to also be at a “disadvantage”. My response to this is simply to ask these critics whose side they are

Top Coconut Oil Health Hacks

91 SHARES ShareTweet I am sure you’ve seen the latest reports that coconut oil is unhealthy and full of saturated fats, and that too much of it can be bad for you. And yes, this is true. It does contain saturated fats and too much can be bad for you, but what about when you consume it as part of a balanced diet in moderate amounts? In this blog post, you’ll see… The latest advice for coconut oil by the American Heart Association 4 benefits of coconut oil you don’t want to miss out on Life hacks everyone needs for coconut oil How to not eat too much coconut oil This latest report from the American Heart Association (AHA) has everyone questioning whether what we’ve thought about coconut oil is wrong and whether we should stay away from it. But if you take a look at the study it shows a correlation between the overconsumption of coconut oil, higher levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol) and cardiovascular disease, rather than it being a direct cause. This report also recommends using soy or canola oil as a replacement, both of which we know are not healthy alternatives [1]. In fact, a 2013 cohort study found that when you replace your saturated fats, such as coconut oil, with vegetable oils, as recommended by the AHA, the death from cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease actually increased [2]. The biggest problem that I have with this report that was conducted by the AHA is that it is largely funded by AG Canada and Canola Oil Council. This could be why the report is trying to get you to replace your coconut oil with vegetable oil, even though studies have shown it leads to higher death rates… You know what they say, “Follow the money.” You can see this for yourself on page 18 of the American Heart Association’s publication. Whatever you may think of coconut oil, there are definitely some beneficial benefits that shouldn’t be ignored and this is why we can still include it in your Custom Meal Plan. TOP 4 BENEFITS OF COCONUT OIL  However, you may feel about the recent claims on coconut oil, the fact of the matter is that it still has some major health benefits that can’t be ignored, especially if you are trying to lose weight, which will greatly contribute to your overall health. Helps Burn More Fat – Compared to other oils, coconut oil affects our bodies more positively. This is because of the medium chain triglycerides that are found in this oil, which can actually help burn more calories and thus burn more fat when consumed in moderation. Remember, coconut oil, no matter how healthy it is, still has about 130 calories per tablespoon [3, 4, 5]. Reduces Hunger – Another way that coconut oil helps to fight fat is by reducing hunger, thus reducing calorie intake. Research suggests that this could be due to the way the fatty acids are metabolized within the body [6]. Anti-Inflammatory – In animal studies, coconut oil in comparison to other oils may be the best to improve inflammation. One study on rats given virgin coconut oil showed an improvement in antioxidant status and prevented oxidative stress [8]. Protects Your Liver – Coconut oil can help to protect and support the function of your liver by helping to protect the liver from incoming toxins [9]. HOW MUCH COCONUT OIL SHOULD YOU EAT EVERY DAY? When determining how much coconut oil you are consuming every day, it is important to remember how many other fats (even healthy ones) you are consuming every day. Just because coconut oil is still considered to be a healthy fat, doesn’t mean that you can eat all you want and it should be strictly limited. Just as with most things, especially fats, moderation is key. Depending on your needs, and whether you are including other healthy fats in your diet, you can eat about 1-2 tablespoons per day. However, this differs for everyone so if you are on a Custom Meal Plan your nutritionist should be able to add the appropriate amount of coconut oil to your meal plan. If you aren’t on a custom meal plan, be sure you sign up for one to make sure you are getting enough coconut oil to reap the benefits, yet you aren’t overdoing it. How does coconut oil compare to other fats? There are so many different types of fat and not all of them affect us the same way. This is why we have bad fats and good fats, and good fats are essential for keeping our body healthy. 3 Coconut Oil Life Hacks The great thing about coconut oil is that it is good for your whole body and not just when you consume it. There are so many different uses for coconut oil, it is no wonder that it is quickly becoming a staple in everyone’s kitchen and bathroom! Here are some great hacks that you can use coconut oil for: Hair – Did you know coconut oil is great for your hair? All you have to do is simply apply coconut oil to your hair before washing, letting sit for about 20 minutes. You can even add a bit of oil to your hair after washing. If you choose to do it after washing, keep in mind that too much can make your hair look greasy and oily. We put our hair through a lot, as many of us wash it daily, blow dry it, style it, and even dye it with harmful chemicals. All of this can cause a lot of damage to our hair, dry it out, and even lose some of its protein. Fortunately, coconut oil can help to repair and reverse some of this damage as it is absorbed into the hair and can protect it from protein loss [10]. While this can be a great treatment for your hair it is important to not overdo it as it can cause a buildup

Top 10 WORST Protein Bars You’re Likely Eating

62 SHARES ShareTweet There are a lot of good protein bars out there, but there are also a lot of bad protein bars. With so many bars our there that are consumed by millions of people I wanted to find the top worst popular protein bars. There are hundreds of other bars that didn’t make this list, but I wanted to focus on easy to find bars that everyone seems to be turning to.  In this post, you’ll learn: Why we are drawn to protein bars, even though they may be bad for us My top 10 WORST protein bars that people are eating Why I think these bars are full of crap How you can easily consume healthy protein Companies are great at marketing these bars, but that doesn’t mean they are good and we don’t want you to be fooled by their clever packaging. There are so many protein bars out there that are full of processed ingredients that it can be a wonder how they can even be marketed as healthy. With some, you may as well just grab a Snickers bar and throw your goals down the drain. We don’t all have a Morellifit Protein on hand all the time, and sometimes you may need to reach for a quick and easy snack while you are on the go. In these times, there is a handful… or two… of protein bars that you should avoid. In fact, if you are eating protein bars, there is a good chance you are eating one of these unhealthy protein bars. They even recommended most of these at the local supplement shop! HERE ARE MY TOP 10 WORST PROTEIN BARS: #10 FitJoy (mint chocolate crisp) Although this bar has a few good things going for it. For instance, it is GMO-free, no artificial flavorings, and it is sweetened with monk fruit and stevia. These are the types of things you want to see in a bar. However, there are ingredients that ruin what it has going for it. Along with these good these, FitJoy also includes canola oil and soy lecithin. These are two ingredients you want to avoid as canola oil is known to contribute to kidney and liver problems due to the genetic modification, as well as heart disease [1, 2]. #9 Clif Bar (white chocolate macadamia nut) Yes, the Clif Bar is all organic, and that is a good thing, but that doesn’t make this a good bar. This bar still has a lot of sugar and a lot of carbs in every serving. In fact, it has 21 grams of sugar and 41 grams of carbs per bar! And only 9 grams of protein. That is crazy! Not to mention that it contains a lot of soy ingredients, such as soy lecithin, soy flour, and soybean oil, to name a few. If you remember our blog discussing the dangers of soy, then you know why we want to avoid soy ingredients and the foods that contain them. Soy can inhibit protein digestion, impair pancreatic function, and disrupts the endocrine system. It has also been linked to increased risk of breast cancer in women [3, 4, 5, 6]. #8 Power Crunch (original) Power Crunch has some decent protein in it, as it contains hydrolyzed whey with micro peptides. Although this is not as good as grass-fed whey, it is not a bad protein to go with. The downside about this protein is there are only 13 grams in this bar, and if it is protein you are after, there are bars with more protein in them. The other downside of this bar is that it contains soy, which, again, you want to avoid. ⚡ Related: Learn why GRASS-FED is so much better than conventionally raised cows! #7 Mission1 (cookies & cream) The Mission1 bars are sweetened with stevia, and the macros are pretty decent with a good ratio of carbs and protein. However, this bar does contain cornstarch, corn fiber, and sucralose. Cornstarch is essentially a highly processed carbohydrate that adds no nutritional value to your food. It has no fat, no protein, no minerals, and no vitamins. We no don’t use sucralose to sweeten any of our products, including our protein, because sucralose can have disastrous affects on your health.  #6 Quest Bar (chocolate chip cookie dough) I know you’ve had one of these because we have all had one of these. This is one of the go-to bars for many people and is perhaps of the most popular. But that doesn’t make it a good bar. The Quest Bar contains a decent macro set, but this bar still contains ingredients like palm oil and sucralose. Palm oil is 100% fat and is known to increase LDL, which is the bad cholesterol that you want to decrease [7, 8]. Bad LDL can have adverse effects on the health of your heart, leading to disease and stroke. #5 Combat (chocolate coconut) Ok, this Combat Bar is delicious, but it is not clean or innovative as it claims on the package. It may have a decent protein to carb ratio, but it contains soy, sucralose, palm kernel oil, and vegetable glycerin, which is known to have side effects of nausea, headaches, and diarrhea if over consumed. #4 Lenny & Larry’s (double chocolate) This is an alternative option if you are vegan and I like that the product is non-GMO. There is no soy, no day, no artificial sweeteners, and that is great! But when you look at the protein, it is less bioavailable than most other proteins and contains wheat flour. Wheat flour can have adverse effects if you have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity. Plus, it can impair your body’s ability to absorb nutrients [9]. Plus, it is high in sugar (30 grams per cookie!) and has a bad protein to carb ratio with 16 grams of protein and 55 grams of carbs. #3 Power Bar (chocolate peanut butter) While this isn’t the worst bar on the list, there is absolutely

Top 5 Foods to Improve Mental Health

0 SHARES ShareTweet We talk a lot about health. We talk about how to keep your heart healthy, your gut healthy, your liver, and even your skin healthy. How to stay healthy is a big topic that is widely discussed and you can hardly go anywhere without having some product being promoted to improve your health. With all this talk about health, there is one subject that is hardly touched upon and that is mental health. Whether it is because of the stigmas associated with it or because it is something that we aren’t “supposed to talk about,” it is often left out of the discussion. When people think of mental health, they don’t equate it as being the same as a physical illness. It is seen as something that you can just “turn off” or something that only people with low will power experience. The fact is, none of these things are true. While most mental illnesses are not completely understood and the exact causes are hard to pin down, we do know that there are a variety of factors that come into play. Mental illness is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors, rather than a defective characteristic within an individual. Many disorders can be attributed to an imbalance in chemicals, or neurotransmitters, in the brain that help nerve cells communication with one another. In short, illness can be caused by a lack of communication within the brain, beyond the control of the sufferer. MENTAL ILLNESS IS RARE, RIGHT? One of the misconceptions about mental disorders and illnesses are that they are rare when in truth, they are very common. This misconception comes from the lack of discussion and the lack of understanding. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 43 million Americans are affected by mental illness every year [1]. That is 1 in 5 people. That is more than cancer, diabetes, and heart disease [2]. This means, chances are either you or someone close to you suffers from a mental disorder, whether you know it or not. When it comes to mental illness, depression and anxiety are two of the most common disorders. When we talk about other forms of illness, such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, one of the first things we turn to is our nutrition and the impact that it can have on our health. “How can we improve it so that we are at a lower risk of developing one of these diseases?” “What foods can help me manage an illness that I already have?” “How can I more naturally battle my illness?” These are some of the questions we ask ourselves, so why should mental health be any different? There are ways we can use our nutrition to better ourselves mentally. Through nutrition and proper supplementation, you can better improve your overall mental health and improve the symptoms of depression and anxiety. These foods can help relieve symptoms of certain mental illnesses and improve overall mental health.  5 FOODS THAT IMPROVE MENTAL HEALTH Sweet Potato   The sweet potato, when eaten the right way, can help boost your mood because it is loaded with vitamin B6, promoting the enzymes that are responsible for producing the mood-regulating neurotransmitter, dopamine [3]. Research has found a correlation between low levels of B6 and symptoms of depression and by adding B6 to your diet, you can help alleviate these symptoms [4, 5]. When eating sweet potatoes you want to avoid making them into the popular candied versions we eat during Thanksgiving. Instead, try baking them and adding a little bit of grass-fed butter. Or, you can try one of the many natural recipes found in the Sweet Potato Diet. Click here to read about more health benefits of the sweet potato. Salmon The reason salmon is so great for someone suffering from a mental illness like depression is that it is full of omega-3 fatty acids. Just 3 oz of salmon more than fulfills our daily recommended amount. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce the symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder. Research shows that a daily dose of omega-3 cause a decrease in depression over time, with some patients seeing up to a 50% decrease [4, 6]. Salmon is also high in tryptophan, an amino acid that is responsible for the creation of serotonin. A lack of serotonin, as well as dopamine, have been associated with low mood and aggression [4]. Spinach Spinach, along with other dark leafy greens, contains high amounts of folate acid, which can be beneficial if you are suffering from depression. Studies have found that people with depression generally have lower blood folate levels than those who are healthy. On average, the difference is about 25% less [4]. Berries Eating berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are all great at fighting depression due to their high levels of antioxidants. A study published in the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine found that patients treated with antioxidants found a dramatic drop in their depression [7]. Oysters Oysters have among the highest levels of zinc and this can help those who suffer from depression. Low zinc levels have been long associated with depression. The consumption of zinc has been proven to increase the effectiveness of therapy, while also protecting brain cells against damage from free radicals [8, 9]. FOODS TO AVOID Providing your brain with good nutrition is a great way to manage your mental health, but it is also just as important what you don’t eat. The first thing you want to avoid is processed food. Many ingredients found in processed foods, including sugar and artificial additives, promote depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental illnesses. Keeping your mental health in check starts with eating whole foods that are all-natural and free of artificial ingredients. If you are having trouble knowing what to eat, sign up for a Custom Meal Plan, where you can be sure you are eating a diet