Banish Bloat With These 7 Detox Tips


1. Get Fruity

So many folk think that detox juices have to be all veggies, and that fruit is banned.

This is not the case.

The natural sugars in fruit are completely different to the sugars you get in candy bars and cakes, and will help lift your mood and energy levels.

Include 1 fruit serving per 2 vegetables servings.

2. The Darker the Better

On the topic of fruit, the darker it is, the better it is for you.

This is due to the fact that dark-skinned fruits have better protection from the sun, and so keep their nutritional values more effectively. Think blackberries, blueberries and elderberries.

Thick-skinned fruits such as mangos, limes and pineapples work on the same principle too.

3. Look at the Liquid

You can use water in your detox smoothies, but why would you, when varying the liquid component adds flavor, texture and extra nutrition?

Almond milk is a real winner, as is coconut water, coconut milk, and even the juice from fresh fruits such as lemons and limes.

4. Go Green

As much as possible, aim to include something green in your drink.

When combined with other ingredients, you won’t taste these at all, so get some spinach, kale, broccoli, or even rocket, lettuce and aloe vera leaves in there.

5. Make it Nice with Spice

One incredibly simple tip to make your smoothies so much tastier (yet few people know about) is to add a dash of spice to each one.

If you’ve not tried ginger, cinnamon, or even a dash of natural sea salt with your concoctions, you’re seriously missing out. A little of these goes a long way.

6. Neat n’ Sweet

A big problem many people face when making their own detox drinks at home is working out how to make them sweet without adding a tonne of syrup, sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Well, that problem can be solved by raiding nature’s store cupboard.

Raw honey and agave nectar are godsends, and don’t forget that many sweeter fruits, like bananas, apples, papaya and apples pack more than enough sweet punch on their own.

7. Factor in Fat


In a weight loss smoothie?


Your body needs healthy dietary fats to function optimally, produce hormones, and burn body fat as fast as physically possible.

Some easy ways to get in a small serving of this essential nutrient is by adding in a small handful of almonds, walnuts or pistachios to each drink, or blending in half a tablespoon of macadamia nut oil or coconut oil.


There you have it…

7 ways to not only make your detox even more effective in terms of weight loss, fat burning, metabolic rate and energy levels, but also in taste.

Because what good is following a diet, if you don’t enjoy it!?

Why detox though?

It’s that typical scenario …

You feel fat.

Your abs are bloated.

You’re sluggish, tired, and downright miserable with your physique.

You know you need to “diet” – but it’s just such a horrendous thought.

Weeks and months of grilled chicken breast, broccoli, garden salads and egg white omelettes is not appealing in any way whatsoever.

Plus, from past experiences, you know that actually, it can take a while to see the benefits from such an eating plan. So not only are you depressed and bored with what you’re eating, but you’re not even reaping the rewards.

There must be a quicker way, right?

Enter the Detox

Now, before jumping to conclusions – detoxing probably isn’t what you think it is.

When done right, detoxing is a fantastic way to –

  • Get rid of stomach bloating
  • Lose stubborn fat
  • Increase your metabolism
  • Flush your system of harmful toxins
  • Eat real food
  • Improve sleep quality and mood
  • Give your weight loss a kick-start

And yes, you can have delicious meals that fill you up, provide you with taste and flavor, and don’t leave you feeling about as energetic as a wet paper towel.

Not only that, but if anything, your feelings of vim and vigor will increase, as you’re supplying your body with a whole host of powerful vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

The secret is adding delicious detox smoothies and shakes to your diet, using the tips above.

A proper detox diet, containing a couple of daily drinks as per these guidelines, along with balanced, clean meals is just about the best way anyone, no matter what level of experience can use to

  • Beat the stomach bulge
  • Get a rapid start to losing weight while feeling great
  • Reset the body’s metabolic profile
  • Feel lighter, leaner and healthier
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Lose fat in a fast, safe, sustainable manner

So try it – you might just be surprised