Is Breakfast Important – Macro Breakdown


Is breakfast important for fat loss?

There are lots of contradictory beliefs and comments (on the internet) about the importance of breakfast.

Just a quick Google search will show you that some people say it’s the most important meal of the day, while others say you don’t need to eat first thing in the morning.

In this article, I will explain what’s working me, and what I see working for my personal clients.

Consider this…

Let’s get started… I think there are a number of factors that need to be considered when deciding if you should eat breakfast:

-are you training in the morning?

-how is your day planned out?

-are you fasting?

-what did you eat yesterday?

-are you traveling?

These and other factors will determine how important breakfast is on any given day.

However, the core point is that you need to fuel your body for the rest of the day. If you have an active day ahead, then you need breakfast, or you will feel fatigued, and have to rely on coffee.

My usual breakfast 

I usually have breakfast every morning, unless I’m fasting – in which case, I wont work out that day. I eat breakfast because I feel better, have more energy, and notice that I can reduce my fat levels also.

Obviously, not all breakfast foods are created equal. You need to have to the correct macro breakdown.

The best macro breakdown is 1/3 protein, carbs & fats.

All foods should be whole foods, from as close to nature as possible.

Specific breakfast foods

Here are some tasty and nutritional foods that you can eat:

  • Protein – eggs, organic bacon, turkey bacon, protein drink
  • Carbs – fruits, vegetables, sweet potato hash (my favorite)
  • Fats – avocado, olive oil, grass fed butter (cook your eggs and bacon in these)

There are other possibilities, but these options are great to get started with.

If you don’t have time to cook

Grab a protein shake. In fact, just today, I ate a grainless granola, some almond milk and half a banana. I also had a protein shake.

Since I was in a rush, this was a pretty good source of micronutrients, except for the fats – but they will be added later in the day.


The take-away message is that you think in terms of the 1/3 portion of fats, proteins and carbs – and then think about balance.

I recommend having breakfast whenever you can, as it sets you up for success during the day and gets your metabolism kick started in the bets possible way.