On A Budget? Buy These 10 Weight Loss Foods



We have all heard that line that eating healthy is more expensive, but is it? Do you really have to pay more to eat healthier?

The fact is, you can eat healthy and clean while still on a budget and it doesn’t have to be as expensive as first thought. If you shop right, it can even be cheaper to eat clean than it is to eat processed food that is instant and cheap.

It is not just the food that we eat that can save us money, but the way we eat and plan our meals. Most people spend more money of food than they realize.

Here Are Our Top 10 Healthy Foods While On A Budget

1. Sweet Potatoes – By now, I’m sure you’ve heard us talk about why we love sweet potatoes so much. They have a low glycemic index, digest slowly due to fiber content (keeping you full longer), and helps to boost your metabolism (1, 2). We also love them because they are easily accessible and don’t weigh heaving on your pocket. A pound of sweet potatoes in the US, normally sells for about $0.50 – $1.50/lb.

2. Quinoa – Most people don’t see quinoa as a budget foods, as it costs around $3.99/lb, but when you consider how far quinoa goes, it really is. A pound of quinoa can last for several meals and makes a lot! Plus, it is gluten free, high in protein, has a low glycemic index, and contains all of the animo acids (3). Studies even show that consuming quinoa can help to stop negative effects of fructose (4).

3. Eggs – With an average price of only $1.50 – $2/dozen, eggs are a great budget food. Eggs provide a lot of protein and all of the essential amino acids. Being high in protein, eggs can help you lose weight and feel fuller longer, leading you to eat less calories (5, 6).

4. Canned Tuna – This fish is high in protein, high in omega-3 fatty acids and low in calories. Priced at around $1-1.50 per 5oz can, it is also highly convenient. Pop the can open and you have a quick and healthy snack. Plus, studies show that adding fish into your diet can help you lose weight (7).

5. Chicken – Chicken comes in many different ways, so much of it depends on how you want to buy it, so looking around the chicken section at your local grocery store will help tell you what the cheapest priced chicken it. On average, boneless chicken breasts cost around $2-4/lb, while a whole chicken will run you about  $1.50/lb. Chicken is a good cheap option for protein and help you maintain a healthy weight.

6. Rice – Rice is a cheap carb that you can work into your diet, and when choosing a rice, it is better to go for a white rice than a brown rice. Rice will normally cost you a around $1/lb.

7. Bananas – Bananas are a great source of fiber, which has been shown to aid in weight loss, and potassium, which can help lower blood pressure (8, 9). Plus, bananas are a great ingredient that can be using in smoothies and protein pancakes, and with a cost under a dollar/lb, you can’t beat it!

8. Broccoli – Because broccoli is full of fiber, it is very filling and can help in your aid to lose weight, as it is also low in calories and fat (8). It has also been linked to reducing the risk of cancer and lowering blood pressure, and at only about $1/lb it makes a great addition to your meals.

9. Kale – Kale has many health benefits, including improving cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and having anti-inflammatory properties (10, 11, 12). And, kale will only set you back about $1.33/lb.

10. Oats – This gluten free whole grain makes the perfect breakfast and can help control your hunger, thus helping you lose weight (13, 14). This is the perfect food to get from your bulk section and costs only $1 – $2/pound. Like quinoa, a little bit of oats can go a long way, as a pound can produce a lot of food. Best option to go for here is the steel cut oats.

*Note that prices listed above vary depending on location.

Here Are Some Great Money Saving Tips

1. Buy in Bulk – Shop for food that won’t go bad right away in bulk. With meats, you can freeze what you don’t need right away or store away foods that have a longer shelf life, such as your quinoa. If your store has a bulk section, you can easily control the amount that you buy, whether you choose to buy a lot to stock up, or you want to limit the amount you need, rather than paying for more food than you need. This is also a great way to shop seasonings, rather than buying whole containers.

2. Frozen Fruit/Veggies – Buy your fruit and veggies in the frozen section. Not only are these options usually cheaper, but you can stock up and fill your freezer with enough food to last several meals. This option won’t go bad over the next week, unlike many fresh fruits and veggies.

3. Shop Sales – Check your local fliers to see what your store is having specials on. Often times, you can buy fresh produce and meat at discounted prices. This is a great time to stock up on protein. Simply take the extra meat you have purchased and put it in the freezer.

Shrink Your Grocery Bill to $40!

By choosing the 10 foods above, and using these cost saving tips, you can keep more money in your pocket and give your body the nutrition it needs to promote weight loss.

One of the biggest questions we get asked is “can I stay on a budget while on the meal plans?” and the answer is yes! Lots of college students with a limited funds as well as moms who are budgeting for a whole family are able to eat on our meal plans while still staying on a tight grocery budget.

If you’ve seen our team take over meal prep Monday on SnapChat, you’ve seen the girls shop on very tight budgets and get all the foods they need on their meal plan for an entire week for only $40 a person!

Check out this receipt from 1 week of groceries on their meal plan!


You can ask for these money saving, fat burning foods right on your meal plan.

Shopping can be frustrating on its own without trying to figure out what foods you need to be eating to get to your specific goals. Our expert nutritionists are trained to used your body stats, along with the foods you love, to custom create a unique, custom meal plan designed just for you. We take out 100% of the guess work by telling you what you need to eat, when and how much. Knowing this can also help you save time and money in the grocery store, saving you from buying too much, too little or foods that work will work against you.

Which inexpensive, fat loss foods do you like to buy? If you have any tips or favorite foods you’d like to share with others, please let us know in the comment section below!