Are You Overeating or Undereating?


How do you know if you’re overeating or undereating?

Here you’ll learn all about how to figure out how many grams of fat, protein, and carbs you should eat each day so that you don’t overeat or undereat.

Firstly, the answer is based on your goals. So, what are your goals? Do you want to:

  • Lose fat?
  • Gain muscle mass?
  • Maintain your weight, but become leaner?

Answer those questions first.

After you define your goal, you’ll need to find your BMR.


Find your BMR

This is the number of calories that you burn in a 24-hour period, while your body is at rest (but not sleeping). You can find a free calculator online that will help you calculate this number.

Or, you can do the following calculation: divide your bodyweight by 2. Now multiply by 24.

This will give you a general approximation of what you need to be eating in order to effortlessly lose some weight, or if exercise isn’t a part of your day simply maintain your current BMI. If your goal is to put on size the you will need to increase these numbers based on how fast/slow you are looking to add size.

Example of a 200lb man:

200 / 2 = 100 x 24 hours = 2400 calories.

This means this man should eat 2400 calories across the day. I recommend breaking this number of calories into 5 or 6 meals per day.

If you want a more accurate calculation, then use a body fat caliper. You can find them on for $4. This will give you a more reliable body fat reading. You can then input those figures into an online BMR calculator.

Use an activity multiplier

To make the reading even more reliable, you can use an activity multiplier (again, find an online calculator that makes this process easy). This will help you to add the required extra calories if you have an active job.

Use your BMR calculation to asses your needs

As you know I recommend foods from nature, such as:

  • Fish
  • Fowl
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Lean meats
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits

With this in mind, you should consume the required number of calories from the quality food sources listed above.

You should then structure your macronutrients so that you don’t store any fat at night. It is advisable to eat your carbohydrates around your workout times.

For the first 3 meals of the day, consume one third of your calories from each food group (fats, proteins and carbs). As you get to meals 4,5, and 6, taper off the carbs and eat more calories from proteins.

When I’m cutting, I like to eat 100% of my calories from protein (for meal 6). I also stop eating 3 hours before bedtime to ensure I get as lean as possible.

Use the tips and system above in order to figure out your calorie intake, and make sure that you don’t over or under eat.

If you have any comments or questions, leave them below.