How Big Food Wants To Keep You in the Dark


Do you remember the talk about the new nutrition label that was supposed to be rolled out on July 26th of next year? Well, it was just indefinitely delayed.

In this blog, you’ll discover…

  • The difference between the proposed nutrition label and the one we have now
  • How the nutrition label impacts how we eat our food
  • Whether the new label would be enough to change our eating habits
  • Why the new label has been delayed and for how long
  • How to be sure you are eating right, despite the confusing nutrition label

In May of 2016, the FDA finalized new requirements for nutrition labels which were to go into effect within two years, three years for manufacturers with sales totaling less than $10 million. This new nutrition label was supposed to help consumers become more aware of the foods they were eating. Among these changes, the new labels had to not only include the sugars within the product but also separately include how much of those sugars are added to the product. It was also supposed to require the calorie count of the product to be largely displayed on the label so that it was easier to see.

Currently, over three-quarters of packaged food sold in the US and the average American is consuming 4X the amount of recommended sugar allowance every day [1]. All of these added sugars are beginning to affect the health of the entire country. This new addition to the label would allow consumers to differentiate between sugars that naturally occur in the food and sugars that have been added. Before this, it all fell under one label.

The new label is also supposed to update the serving size, which has not been updated in over 20 years. Traditionally there is no rule for serving size and is determined by the company and what they deem reasonable. This means the serving size can be adjusted and manipulated so that the nutritional content of the food seems reasonable. The new label, however, is supposed to update the serving size to reflect the amount someone would likely eat. This causes the nutrition to be determined by the serving size, rather than the other way around.

Over the years the average amount that people consume during each meal had changed drastically as companies have tried to find ways to sell us more food and while these portions have increased, the serving size on the labels have remained the same. This has resulted in people over consuming the recommended serving size that is put onto the packages, causing us to eat larger portions than we realize. Plus, how it may be affecting your body and your health.

The way servings sizes are shown would also be changed on the packages, and those that contain multiple servings would have to include a second column that reflects the nutritional information per package. This means on these food packages consumers will be given a column with nutritional information pertaining to a single serving and another column showing the nutritional information pertaining to the entire package.


When it comes to nutrition we all know that there are many issues facing our health, whether it be the culture of how we consume food, the lack of education behind what a healthy diet is, and the production of unhealthy food in the means of food that is processed and meat coming out of factory farms.

By no means is the nutrition label and these changes intended to solve every problem that we have when it comes to nutrition and how we consume food, and some would argue that it doesn’t go far enough.

Yes, the new label would provide more information regarding actual calories you may be consuming and how much sugar has been added to the food, but it doesn’t address ingredient decks. Some argue that the ingredient decks should also be broken down and be more clear. For example, a packaging that says it contains natural flavors… what are these flavors? What does this mean to the average person?

When the first ingredient on a package is fruit, we know that this means there is more fruit percentage-wise than any other ingredient, but how much is that? Were pesticides used on the ingredients in this food and if so, what kind?

One way to know what is going into the food you are consuming on a daily basis is to stay informed of policies that are put into place and the effect each may have on your food.


Unfortunately, there is no time frame telling us how long the new nutrition label will be delayed nor has a date been given for when companies will need to comply, or even if it will ever be reinstated. Rather, the FDA states that details will be given “at a later time” [2].

The delay came about as lobbyists from major food corporations pressured the FDA to delay the deadline, citing that they needed more time to comply with the changes. Their reasoning is that it would cost more to comply within the given time frame. You can read the letter from the major food industries here.

With this sudden halting of the nutrition label requirements, some corporations such as PepsiCo, Kind, Wheat Thins, Mars, and Lays Chips have already completed the work and are ready for the original compliance deadline, with new labels already in place. Some are now arguing that this puts companies such as these at a disadvantage as their nutrition labels may seem less appealing than products with the old label.

Because of the response of the companies who have already made the change, the question becomes whether or not the industries in the letter truly need more time, or don’t want to also be at a “disadvantage”.

My response to this is simply to ask these critics whose side they are on, the consumer and their health, or the corporations? That is, consumer health or profit? For companies who have nothing to hide, why is more information bad? And if a product fails, due to the company’s inability to trick and hide information from their consumers, perhaps the product wasn’t good to begin with. 

⚡ Related: Learn how else the FDA is messing with your food

We know how this goes because here at Morellifit we try to be as transparent as possible because our products speak for themselves and would not consider providing our consumers with more information as being a disadvantage. Our supplements, including our BCAAs and Protein, are the cleanest supplements on the market and use all natural ingredients with no added sugars. All ingredients in our products, including our sugars, occur naturally.


We don’t know when the new nutrition labels will take effect or even the impact that they will have. Right now, the best way you can make sure you are eating food that is healthy, and in the right amounts, is to let someone who is trained and has detailed knowledge of food help you.

Getting on a Custom Meal Plan will ensure that you are going after the right foods, in the right amounts. This will ensure that you are receiving the correct nutrition according to what you need.

One thing the new nutrition label, or the old one, can do is break down how much someone should be consuming. Both the new and old label state that diets are based on a 2,000 calorie a day allowance. This calorie amount doesn’t apply to everyone. For some people, consuming 2,000 calories a day would cause them to gain an unhealthy amount of fat, while others, it would leave them calorically deficient.

When you have a nutritionist preparing a meal plan for you, you don’t have to worry if you are eating too much or eating too little. With a Custom Meal Plan, every calorie, every gram of fat and carb is based on a person’s individual nutritional needs, making it the best way to ensure you are eating healthy and not endangering your health or any goals you may have.