Ideal Macro Percentages For Fat Loss & Body Recomposition


There isn’t a day that goes by where an email doesn’t come in from someone asking about nutrition, specifically macro percentages for fat loss. With so much contradicting info out on the web these days, who do you trust.

If you know my story, then you know I was you not too long ago. I was sick and tired of being misled, and finally I sought out the very best in health and fitness.

In addition to countless certifications I am now going through Optimum Performance Training (OPT). They have an amazing program that is backed by thousands of tests and trials. These are tests from people all across the board; from athletes to regular people just looking for some body composition changes.

I am so blessed to be learning under such a great group of fitness professionals, and James Fitzgerald the founder of OPT is a genius. He genuinely cares about his students and clients, and you can tell the money piece means absolutely nothing to him. It’s all about real health and/or performance, and that’s exactly what I believe in and stand for.

The nutrition prescription I present in this video is one of many different kinds I have learned. It’s important to understand that nutrition is NOT a one size fits all type of deal. With that in mind, the 40/40/20 macro breakdown does work well for a lot of people who seek body composition changes.

Ideally the goal is to start a bit higher with the carbs and work your way down to about 10% based on how you feel and function. That’s they key here, because we all need different nutrition prescriptions it’s critical that as you implement any new diet that you are aware of mood, energy, and sleep.

I usually start my clients out with a 35/35/30 macro prescription, with the end goal of 40/50/10.

Again, we are talking about clients with the main goal of body recomposition.

Where it gets challenging is when you have someone who wants body recomposition but also wants performance, as these two goals do not go hand in hand.

What I prescribe for a hard charging athlete is much different from that of someone with some fat to lose.

A hard charging athlete is going to have a different training protocol and therefor will need a different dose of proteins, fats, and carbs (PFC).

I highly encourage you to make sure you have your diet dialed in with quality foods before you even begin shifting macros around. If you don’t eliminate processed foods, refined carbs and sugars, macro breakdowns are meaningless.

Phase 1 of nutrition prescription is as follows:

  1. Protein
  2. Food Quality
  3. Hydration
  4. Intolerance Tracking
  5. Frequency and Consistency

Only after these 5 things are dialed in should you begin to take a look at and shift around your macros.

With that in mind, as you begin to fill in your macros, use the following template for huge fat loss success:

  • Fish/Fowl
  • Lean Meats
  • Vegetables
  • Little Fruit
  • Little Starch
  • No Sugar

Lastly, be patient, stay the course, train hard, and let’s get fit together.