Signature “Glute Workout” by Kristen


For those of you looking to have a killer Glute workout on leg day, here is a signature workout from one of our Morellifit Athletes. Each athlete here at Morellifit has their own routines and own personal workout styles. We share with you their top work outs and invite you to try them for yourselves.

Meet our Morellifit Coach Kristen! She is an Arizona native who grew up playing sports in high school. In college while attending the WP Carey School of Business, she met a personal trainer who turned her onto weight lifting and she fell in love with weight training. After college, she was still eating “the college diet” and working a desk job and found herself gaining weight even though she was still working out. Sick of seeing no results, and feeling bad about herself, she looked to nutrition to get herself back on track. She turned to a nutritionist who got her on a custom meal plan and found a trainer to help her with workouts to change her body. After getting amazing results she pursed her dream of competing in a bikini completion.

Now a recent winner of the NPC Desert Storm Bikini Competition for both her class, and over all, she is currently pursuing her Precision Nutrition Certification and NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialization. From a bad relationship with unhealthy foods and seeing no results in the gym, to now being a passionate advocate for good diet and exercise, Kristen helps people everyday make the changes they need to improve their health.

Her signature workout includes four supersets to help keep your heart rate up during the workout, as well as make the work out as time efficient as possible.

Currently, she is working towards her national competition in the spring. In her new workout regimen, she includes workouts like these to help her build her glutes for her next competition.

Kristen’s Signature Glute Workout

Warm up – 10 minutes of treadmill incline walking and hamstring curl machine. 3

sets of 10-12 reps.

SuperSet (#1) x 3

Hip Thruster 10-12

Bulgarian Splits 10-12

Split Jumps 20

SuperSet (#2) x 3

Side Step Ups 10-12 each

Single Bench Jumps 10-12 each

Super Set (#3) x 3

Wide Stance Leg Press (heavy) 10

High Stance Leg Press (lighter) 15-20

SuperSet (#4) x 3

Weighted Walking Lunges 12-16

Unweighted Walking Lunges 20-25 with pulse

Burnout – Cable Kickbacks (as many as you can)

Enjoy this work out in place of your leg day or just add it to your weekly routine. Keep tuned in to meet more of our Morellifit Athletes, and more upcoming workouts from Kristen.