Why Low Calorie Diets Cause Weight Gain



You’ve been there.

Following a plan that’s supposed to get you lean.

At first, you drop a few pounds.

You cut calories just about as low as you can handle, while battling with intense hunger, and severe cravings, but then for some reason, when that fat that should be shifting – it starts going nowhere.

And you feel desperate, disheartened, and like you’re a dieting failure.

But wait –

It’s NOT Your Fault!

See, that’s the problem with fad diets. These diets say they are designed to get you shredded, strip away stubborn fat and give you the body of your dreams – but they are actually the cause of your lack of progress.

In fact, not only are they sabotaging your results, they’re solely responsible for you rebounding and gaining weight.

Your Body is Adapting

In this world of calorie-counting and cutting portion sizes, it’s easy to believe that simply lowering your calorie intake will result in weight loss, and help you torch body fat.

But this isn’t the case.

In reality, your body adapts and compensates for this low-calorie intake by burning less.

By slashing your calorie intake, your body descends into survival mode and tries to store everything you eat, meaning you’ll never burn fat.

Here’s how it works –

Eat Less = Burn Less

But the reality is that there is a better way…

Eat More = Burn More

I’m not saying that suddenly switching to a high-calorie diet of donuts, pizzas and pretzels is going to get you shredded, but eating more nutrient-dense, healthy foods may well be the answer to your fat loss prayers.

By giving it more whole foods, it’s primed to kick your metabolism into overdrive.

How do I know this works?

I was in the same boat.

During my journey where I lost 27 pounds of pure fat, I hit a wall.

That was when I thought that calories were all that mattered, and that low-calorie diets were “the answer.”

But guess what I did…

I started eating MORE calories from MORE whole-foods … and smashed that plateau, eventually reaching 8% body fat.

How to Increase Your Calories to Lose Weight

As much as low-calorie diets are bad news for weight loss, you can’t just double or triple your calorie intake and expect to see progress.

In fact, such a huge jump up will almost inevitably result in a lot of fat gains.

It’s all about increasing your intake slowly and surely, to where your TDEE should be for your goals.

That’s why just jumping up a few hundred calories doesn’t work unless you know the numbers you should be hitting to get to your goal.

There is a precise equation for not only figuring out where you are now, but where you should be and what macro (protein, fats, and carbs) ration is right for you.

If you want a hand with this, check out my custom meal planning service.

It takes all the guesswork out of it, and my team of experts and I ensure that we maximize your calorie intake as you get lighter, leaner, fitter and send your energy levels through the roof.

You’ll be eating the correct amount of calories for your fat loss goals. And, you might just be surprised how much food you are supposed to be eating.

You know what else that means?

No starving on this meal plan!

For details on my world class meal planning service click here.

A Higher Quality

Another HUGE point is that the calories you add have to be quality calories.

We’re talking complex carbohydrates like rice, sweet potato, and quinoa. This also includes lean meats and oily fish as well as nuts and seeds. And of course – fruits and vegetables.

These will fuel performance, stoke your metabolism, and contribute to burning more calories.

Moral of the Story

Food is fuel.

You’re like a car.

Think of your body as a fine specimen of sports car, like a Ferrari or a Lamborghini – you wouldn’t drive one of these beauties around with just dregs left in the gas tank, or full of low-quality fuel, would you?

You should treat your body with the same respect.

To perform at your peak, and allow your body to lose fat, you have to eat enough, and make sure that it’s nutritious, wholesome food.
Remember –

Eat more – burn more

And of course –

Be patient.

Stay the course.

And let’s get fit, together.

For extra tips, hints, and a little more on how I’m currently losing fat faster than ever while eating over 3,000 calories per day, check out the video above!

And for help putting it all together, the calories, the right foods, and the right ratio of macros, click here to get on your own Custom Meal Plan and off your crash diet. Turn your crash diet into fast fat loss and lasting results.