One Diet That’s Best for Everyone





IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) ?


Every single day, we’re assaulted by a plethora of different diets.

Everyone seems to think that whatever eating plan they’re following is the “right” one.

The Paleo freaks claim that the only way to get lean and shredded is to get rid of grains, ban gluten, and ditch dairy.

Vegetarians espouse the benefits of plant-based living.

IIFYM-ers are all about calories and macros.

While fruitarians – well, the clue’s in the name.

And I tell you what – it can get really, really confusing.

Who are we to believe? Everyone seems to put across a compelling case.

There’s certainly no doubt that with Paleo, you reduce processed foods, refined carbs and sugars, and place your emphasis on whole-foods and natural products, and get healthier as a result.

But do we really need to ban so many other foods?

As for macro-based dieting, no one can argue with the fact that lowering your calories and aiming to hit a certain macronutrient intake works in theory, and allows for flexible living, but does this type of diet neglect food quality and overall health?

And could some “healthy” diets make you sick or even kill you?

Well today, I’m here to reveal what exactly is the “best” diet for everyone.

My B-I-G Mistake

I lost the majority of my body fat by following a Paleo style diet.

That meant eating like a caveman – meat, fish, nuts, veggies and berries, with a complete ban on dairy, grains, sweeteners, alcohol and anything processed.

I took a firm stance that this was the perfect diet for everyone …

I was wrong.

The Paleo diet is great, if it works for you.

But it doesn’t work for everyone.

The 1 Thing You Need to Know

If you only take one thing from this blog post, make it this –

The most important component in any diet is whole foods.

This has to come first and foremost.

That means you limit supplements, limit “fake foods” chocked full of additives, chemicals and fillers, and place your focus instead on foods from as close to nature as possible.

So you eat your lean meats, your oily fish, your fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, your beans your whole-grains.

This is similar to the main basis of the Paleo diet, but allows for much more flexibility – for instance, you can eat high-quality dairy products with this approach, as well as legumes, both of which are banned on most Paleo diets.

This approach should stand whether you’re a vegan, a vegetarian, and IIFYM-er, or a bodybuilder.

If you have a little processed food here and there, that’s okay, but 90% of your nutrition should come from real foods.

If you need something to remember that, try this –


Just. Eat. Real. Food

How I Can Give YOU The Perfect Diet

This is a bit of a special announcement.

While I’ve given you more or less everything you need to construct your perfect diet here in this article, nutrition can still be a confusing topic.

After all, this talk about macros, methodologies and misconceptions can leave even the brightest nutrition spark scratching their head, as their brain goes round at a mile a minute, wondering whether a slice of bread is “good” or “bad.”

And it’s for that very reason that I’ve hired some of the best nutritionists in the world to come under my wing, to help me create the highest quality custom meal planning service in the world.

These plans will be based around your schedule, your tastes, and even your preferred dieting style.

It’s completely customized to you.

So whether you want to eat meat-free, dislike dairy, thrive on fruit, or if you simply can’t fathom giving up your cappuccinos and croissants, don’t worry – we can factor all that in.

Register today spots are very limited and are sold on a first come first serve basis.