4 Reasons to Stay Away From Soy


I always get the question asking what you can replace soy with. So, my goal with this post, along with the video below, is to merely provide you with honest health and fitness information that will enable you to uncover previously unknown truths about soy that will enhance your life. As always, you are encouraged to further your own research on the subject after reading this.

Now, it’s time to uncover the cold, hard truths regarding soy:

  • 4 things they don’t tell you about soy
  • Why soy is so popular
  • Alternative sources of protein so you don’t have to consume soy

The Truth about Soy

  • Soy contains trypsin inhibitors, which inhibit protein digestion and impair pancreatic function. This leads to digestive distress [1,2].
  • Soy increases the amount of Vitamin D required by your body, a vitamin that many are already deficient in. In fact, many companies add Vitamin D2 to soy products, which is a toxic form of Vitamin D [3].
  • Soy increases levels of phytic acid, thereby reducing the assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc [4].
  • Soy causes phytoestrogens to disrupt endocrine function, potentially leading to infertility and an increased likelihood of breast cancer in adult women [5, 6].

Soy and Commercialism

Before I discovered the truth about soy, I used to consume tons of soy. I used to have soy milk in my coffee. I used to eat products that contained soy. And if you go to the grocery store and grab something off the shelf, chances are it has soy and corn in it.

That’s why it is important to remain mindful of soy ingredients when grocery shopping. A large majority of items in grocery stores contain soy, as well as corn since both are cheap to produce.

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, the average food manufacturer or company’s main priority is not you. Rather, it is the amount of profit they are making off of you. Consequently, the cheapest, which also happens to be the unhealthiest, soy and other unhealthy ingredients are thrown into their products and sold at a higher price in order to maximize profit.

That’s the hard truth about soy. It is what it is. So what are better choices and alternatives to soy milk, tofu, or other soy products?

Alternative Sources of Protein

If you follow my work often, you are aware that I advocate the consumption of “whole foods” that are derived from as close to nature as possible.

So, try to get proteins from sources such as turkey, chicken, beef, and high-quality lean meats.

Of course, you can also supplement protein intake with a whey protein. If you are going to consume whey protein, opt for a “Whey Protein Isolate” or a grass-fed whey product in order to avoid consumption of the harmful and toxic chemicals found in regular whey products.

And, if you are drinking soy milk regularly, you can switch to almond or coconut milk instead. You can even drink a conservative amount or little bit of whole milk…as in whole, organic (from pasture-raised cows) whole milk. Those are some alternatives to soy.

If you are using soy to supplement your protein intake due to a vegetarian diet, you can alternatively go for foods like quinoa, peas or rice.

Our Custom Meal Plans make sure that you are getting enough protein from your diet so you don’t turn to products such as soy for supplementation. In fact, we custom build these plans to you and your stats. We can even cater to pescetarian and vegetarian needs.

I hope you found it useful. And, I love hearing from, getting your feedback, and answering your questions.

So, please share your comments or ask questions below.