Macros For Fat Loss & General Health – Beginner Pt. 1


Looking to shape up your diet plan? If you’ve been reading about nutrition, you’ve likely heard the term ‘macro’, along with the words proteins, carbohydrates, and dietary fats tossed around over and over again.

You have a good idea of what these mean, but when it comes to setting these up in your diet, you’re confused as ever.

Some sources say you should be eating 30% protein in your diet while others say 1 gram per pound is the right number to hit. And when it comes to carbohydrates, the advice is all over the map.

Don’t feel confused by this. In terms of structuring your macronutrient intake, it’s never a black and white picture.

Not only do you need to consider what your goals are – be it fat loss, muscle building, aerobic improvement, and so on, but you also need to consider the workouts you are doing.

An intense weight lifting program is going to require far different types of macros in a day than an easier going cardio workout will.

Customization is key

This said, let’s back up a moment.

The Real Secret To Beginner Fat Loss Success

Before you let all this confusion regarding macros overwhelm you, it’s time to forget about it.

That’s right. The biggest mistake I see beginners who are looking for fat loss making is getting too wrapped up in the details.

It isn’t going to matter if you are consuming 100 grams of carbs or 150 grams of carbs per day if those carbs are coming from white bread, sugary cereals, and processed foods. In either scenario, you will not be seeing results.

Until you get the basics down first – that is, sound nutrition coming from wholesome foods, your macros simply don’t matter.

As a beginner, you can see dramatic success – a major transformation even – if you just focus on eating the right foods. Only once you’ve done this for 60 days and feel confident you can make wise food choices wherever you go, should you begin worrying about macros.

Perfecting Step 1

So I challenge you, for 60 days, to eat a completely clean and natural diet. This means choosing lean protein sources, plenty of vegetables, small doses of nuts and seeds, along with moderate amounts of fruit. Opt for berries for the best results as these are rich in antioxidants and lowest on the GI scale.

Add small doses of complex carbohydrates from white rice, quinoa, and sweet potato around your workout periods to fuel your muscles and you will be all set.

This also means cutting out any forms of sugar and processed carbs, staying away from all deep fried foods or those high in unhealthy saturated fat, as well as forgoing all alcohol for this 60 day time frame.

Once you have achieved this, then we’ll talk about macros. But for now, this is the bigger priority and should be your only focus as it pertains to nutrition.

If you need help knowing which foods are allowed and which aren’t, pick up one of my programs and follow the macro list & grocery guide included. If you eat all the foods on this list and that’s all you worry about, I promise you, you’ll be loving how you look and feel in no time.

As always thanks for following me, and giving me the opportunity to do what I love.

~ Michael