Best Daily Carbohydrate Prescription for Rapid Fat Loss

If you wish to rapidly burn fat but feel you are walking in the dark, or you’re struggling to find a starting point, then you have come to the right place. Last week, you were presented with a video on “Back-Loading Your Carbs for Faster Fat Loss.” Many of you responded with a variety of questions on the topic, unaware as to where to start when it comes to daily carbohydrate consumption. So, I’ve designed a straightforward “starting point.” Here you’ll find a beginning (basic) daily carbohydrate prescription for rapid fat loss detailed in this post and the video below Choosing Carbohydrates for Faster Fat Loss When we are talking about carbohydrates, what are we really discussing here? Whole Foods Vegetables A little bit of fruit Safe starches White rice Oats No processed foods, refined carbs, and sugars The key here is “whole foods.” Eat foods as close to nature as possible. When recording the video on how to back-load carbs, I stated that you should consume 75% of your carbs later in the day. This refers to whole foods derived from nature. By no means is a pass to plop down on the couch and devour a bowl of ice cream. Furthermore, focus on vegetables and only a little bit of fruit. You can have some safe starches. Sweet potatoes are the ideal safe starch because they have a low glycemic index. And if you like rice, then choose white rice as opposed to brown rice, as the bran is removed in white rice. In short, this prevents the rice from oxidizing and growing rancid in the body, both of which strip food of nutritional value and vastly eliminate the amount of vitamins they originally contained. Also, when it comes to oats, be sure to opt for steel-cut oats or organic steel-cut oats as opposed to grains. Last but not least, eliminate processed foods, refined carbs, and sugars! This is non-negotiable if you desire to rapidly lose fat. The Carb Prescription Starting Point Your “carb intake” or the amount of carbs in your daily diet should consist of half your body weight in grams. For example, a two-hundred-pound person should start with one-hundred grams of carbs per day. Next, combine your carb intake with the amount of proteins and fats you eat daily. After doing so, what is the percentage of your daily intake of carbs in relation to the percentage of proteins and fats you consume? If it is 30% and you are trying to lose weight, the amount of carbs you are consuming is too high. You need to bring your carb intake down to 25%, and then down to 20%. Manipulate the numbers to balance the equation. And while your carbs go down, your fats and proteins should go up at a proportional rate. Achieving Rapid-Fat Loss Results To succeed, you must remain patient and clear headed throughout this, with your intentions dead set on your overall goal. This process entails some trial and error because it involves tuning into the needs of your unique body. Your moods are good indicators of what your body needs. So, stay mindful of which foods and activities bring you down and which ones bring you up. Avoid those that bring you down while gravitating towards those that lift you up. Make sure you keep up with your workouts as well. Maintaining a healthy mental state and a regular workout routine is just as crucial as staying disciplined with your diet. Stay the course. After you implement this, please leave your comments and/or questions below. Let me know how this carbohydrate prescription for rapid fat loss is working for you. And until next time, take care.   Tweet 0 Share 11 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Beat the Binge: 7 Tips for Controlling Appetite

Sometimes, when we do our best to eat right, it can seem like a struggle to stay satiated and not reach for food all of the time. Food cravings are normal and happen to everyone. It is important to be able to control your cravings and regulate your appetite. Use these tips for evaluating your appetite as well as beating the binge. Don’t skip your meals. Being over hungry and waiting too long to eat again will only lead to over eating. Space your meals through out the day and you will find that you are less likely to feel hungry in between them. Most of us don’t know what time to eat, how often, or how much to eat; which is why we launched our custom meal planning services. We guide you through the entire process, by telling you what to eat, when, and how much, so you don’t skip meals, feel hungry and end up binging, and so you can effortlessly reach your fitness goals. Drink Water. Thirst sometimes feels like hunger. Stay hydrated so you don’t get those feelings and reach for food instead. Our coaches recommend drinking at approximately half of your body weight in ounces of water each day (water consumption is something we cover extensively on our custom meal plans). If you live in a warmer climate, you’ll need more water than those living in colder areas. As a rule, if you’re thirsty, then you are already dehydrated. Get Enough Sleep. The hormones Leptin and Ghrelin regulate our appetite. These hormones are also regulated by sleep. Not getting enough sleep can throw off your levels of these hormones, and you may not really be as hungry as your body is telling you. Getting enough sleep can keep your hormones at the right levels. At the right level, these hormones they make sure that when you’re full, your body gets the right signals to stop eating. Examine your hunger and self audit by asking yourself a few questions. When is the last time you ate? Was it 3-4 hours ago? Is your stomach growling? Are you weak or tired? If the answer is no to these questions, then you are emotionally insatiate and not genuinely hungry. Find something that soothes you. What, besides eating, soothes you? Food often helps us emotionally by soothing us when we need it. Instead of reaching for food, make a list of things to do that makes you feel good. It could be taking a walk, reading a book, or playing with a pet. Getting your mind off food and on to something else will help you get over your cravings. Don’t Panic! Stress on your body produces cortisol and that can lead to over eating. Controlling stress can play a critical part of controlling your weight. Control stress through exercise, breathing techniques or even meditation. Don’t let late night cravings get you. Having a long hard day can lead to making a bad decision about what you eat before you get in bed. Instead of giving into these cravings, go brush your teeth, have a mint, and put yourself to bed. These are all great tips that can set you up to beat your cravings. Practice these daily, and you will find you won’t be having as many cravings or even feel hungry when you’re not. Tweet 6 Share 4 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Banish Bloat With These 7 Detox Tips

1. Get Fruity So many folk think that detox juices have to be all veggies, and that fruit is banned. This is not the case. The natural sugars in fruit are completely different to the sugars you get in candy bars and cakes, and will help lift your mood and energy levels. Include 1 fruit serving per 2 vegetables servings. 2. The Darker the Better On the topic of fruit, the darker it is, the better it is for you. This is due to the fact that dark-skinned fruits have better protection from the sun, and so keep their nutritional values more effectively. Think blackberries, blueberries and elderberries. Thick-skinned fruits such as mangos, limes and pineapples work on the same principle too. 3. Look at the Liquid You can use water in your detox smoothies, but why would you, when varying the liquid component adds flavor, texture and extra nutrition? Almond milk is a real winner, as is coconut water, coconut milk, and even the juice from fresh fruits such as lemons and limes. 4. Go Green As much as possible, aim to include something green in your drink. When combined with other ingredients, you won’t taste these at all, so get some spinach, kale, broccoli, or even rocket, lettuce and aloe vera leaves in there. 5. Make it Nice with Spice One incredibly simple tip to make your smoothies so much tastier (yet few people know about) is to add a dash of spice to each one. If you’ve not tried ginger, cinnamon, or even a dash of natural sea salt with your concoctions, you’re seriously missing out. A little of these goes a long way. 6. Neat n’ Sweet A big problem many people face when making their own detox drinks at home is working out how to make them sweet without adding a tonne of syrup, sugar or artificial sweeteners. Well, that problem can be solved by raiding nature’s store cupboard. Raw honey and agave nectar are godsends, and don’t forget that many sweeter fruits, like bananas, apples, papaya and apples pack more than enough sweet punch on their own. 7. Factor in Fat Fat? In a weight loss smoothie? Absolutely! Your body needs healthy dietary fats to function optimally, produce hormones, and burn body fat as fast as physically possible. Some easy ways to get in a small serving of this essential nutrient is by adding in a small handful of almonds, walnuts or pistachios to each drink, or blending in half a tablespoon of macadamia nut oil or coconut oil.   There you have it… 7 ways to not only make your detox even more effective in terms of weight loss, fat burning, metabolic rate and energy levels, but also in taste. Because what good is following a diet, if you don’t enjoy it!? Why detox though? It’s that typical scenario … You feel fat. Your abs are bloated. You’re sluggish, tired, and downright miserable with your physique. You know you need to “diet” – but it’s just such a horrendous thought. Weeks and months of grilled chicken breast, broccoli, garden salads and egg white omelettes is not appealing in any way whatsoever. Plus, from past experiences, you know that actually, it can take a while to see the benefits from such an eating plan. So not only are you depressed and bored with what you’re eating, but you’re not even reaping the rewards. There must be a quicker way, right? Enter the Detox Now, before jumping to conclusions – detoxing probably isn’t what you think it is. When done right, detoxing is a fantastic way to – Get rid of stomach bloating Lose stubborn fat Increase your metabolism Flush your system of harmful toxins Eat real food Improve sleep quality and mood Give your weight loss a kick-start And yes, you can have delicious meals that fill you up, provide you with taste and flavor, and don’t leave you feeling about as energetic as a wet paper towel. Not only that, but if anything, your feelings of vim and vigor will increase, as you’re supplying your body with a whole host of powerful vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The secret is adding delicious detox smoothies and shakes to your diet, using the tips above. A proper detox diet, containing a couple of daily drinks as per these guidelines, along with balanced, clean meals is just about the best way anyone, no matter what level of experience can use to Beat the stomach bulge Get a rapid start to losing weight while feeling great Reset the body’s metabolic profile Feel lighter, leaner and healthier Strengthen the immune system Lose fat in a fast, safe, sustainable manner So try it – you might just be surprised Tweet 1 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Back-load Carbs for Faster Fat Loss

Do you want to burn fat faster? If so, learning how to “back-load” carbs may be your golden ticket to doing so, as it results in increased fat loss in a shorter amount of time. Please pay attention to what I’m about to share with you in this post and the video below. This is cutting-edge stuff. Front-loading Carbs For those of you who have followed me on Instagram, watched my You-Tube videos, or simply read my blog posts, you’re probably aware of another method I’ve shared, known as “front-load” carbs. Front-loading is when regardless of the number of meals you consume daily, your first meal is composed of equal parts protein, fats, and carbs (PFC). As time goes on, the sliver of your meals that is composed of “carbs” steadily reduces in size, essentially becoming nonexistent by the end of the day. Back-loading Carbs In no way is it bad to front-load carbs. However, implementing back-loading into the picture may speed up the rate at which you burn fat. My clients have had exceptionally successful results burning fat by implementing the back-loading of carbs into their routine. To make it easy and straightforward, I’ve outlined the “back-loading carb” process later in this post. Achieving Faster Fat loss So now that you understand the concept of front-loading and back-loading carbs, you’ll use both to get results. And it’s actually quite simple. To achieve faster fat loss, you simply switch back and forth between front-loading and back-loading every thirty days. The 7 Basics of Back-loading Carbs Consume 75% of your carbs in the evening. Simply put, reverse the process of front-loading carbs (discussed above). While front-loading, 75% of your carbs are consumed early in the day, with meals gradually growing leaner as the day goes on. When back-loading carbs, you instead consume 75% of your carbs in the evening. Consume 25% of your carbs in the morning. Remain mindful of how your body reacts to these changes in your daily diet. Watch for abnormal fluctuations in your moods, energy levels, and body composition. The goal is not to sacrifice important health elements such as mood and energy. Monitor the process and your progress for thirty days. Switch back to front-loading for thirty days. Continue to rotate between thirty-day cycles of front-loading and back-loading carbs in order to shock your body with nutrition and stimulate faster fat loss. Use whole foods as opposed to processed ones with refined carbs and sugars. Processed and refined foods are counterproductive to your goal. They will only render your hard work and discipline as useless. Instead, use whole foods from as close to nature as possible. I firmly believe and hope you will find yourself impressed and pleased with the results of implementing back-loading carbs for faster fat loss. Remain patient. Stay the course. As always, I look forward to hearing from you. Post your comments, questions, and feedback below. And until next time, take care.   Tweet 1 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

Are Fruit Juices Good For You?

Let’s talk about fruit juices. We get so many emails about specific juices. Is Naked juice a fruit juice and is it good for me? The answer is, no. We are going to uncover why. First, let’s look at why do most people think these juices are healthy in the first place. Some boast up to 59 carbohydrates per container, and a lot of sugar. But it’s all about the marketing, because all these juices are being marketed to us as healthy. They are being labeled “super” fruits juices. They boast “greens plus flax seed” and “300 percent of your vitamin b 12 with only 80 calories per serving.” Even though there are some greens in the ingredient list, they are at the bottom of the label. So by weight, there is the least amount of greens by ingredient volume. Even with having those greens in there, you are still having to consume 30 grams of sugar to get them. Don’t get us wrong, we love greens. We love drinking our greens. We love greens so much we have a Greens Superfood. How many grams of sugar in our greens? Our greens have 0 grams of sugar, and by volume it is all greens. So it is possible to get your greens without drowning them in sugar. Let’s just look at one juice to break it down and show you what fruit juices contain. Naked brand juice is a good one. A lot of people know it, and they see it everywhere. When you look at the front it tells you that it is pure fruit and no added sugar. Then you flip it over it over and it lists off what amount of fruit is in it. In one particular drink there are 22 raspberries, 1 and a third banana, and nearly two apples. When our custom meal plan department writes you a custom meal plan, they are not even putting that much fruit on a plan for an entire day, much less at one time. There are 60 grams of carbohydrates in one bottle and 44 grams of sugar. That is a lot of sugar! That’s more than you should be consuming in a whole day. We are not saying fruit is bad for you. Fruits do have vitamins, and minerals. It is in the volume at which you consume that great amount of sugar that can be bad for you. We don’t want you to consume that much at once. We see people who are having three, four, and five servings of fruit a day and think that this is healthy, but are still struggling to lose weight. We are not saying that there are not healthy benefits to fruit, but too much fructose can cause problems especially with weight loss. Let’s explore this so that we can understand why high levels of fructose all at once can hurt you. Having vegetables and little bit of fruit together is outstanding in moderation, but all of the good stuff in these fruit drinks you can actually get from vegetables without all the sugar. Fructose is preferential to the liver. When we digest it, our liver takes a hold of it and stores it. It goes other places too. Our body can use it for energy, but it doesn’t want to unless we have been doing a lot of strenuous activity and we consume it in a moderate amount. If we get our activity way up and consume it moderately, the liver does not want to use it as energy stores it as fat. We don’t want to overwhelm our body. At the end of the day while it is natural sugar, it is still fructose and will be processed in our body as sugar when we over indulge. Especially if you’re over consuming it at 4, 5, or 6 servings like people have come to us saying they do. Plus, when people juice fruit, it lacks the fiber which slows the digestion of fruit in our system and opens the doors for our bodies glycemic levels to spike. Limit the consumption of fruit to 2 servings a day if you are trying to lose weight. You can also stick to berries because they are one of the best fruits for weight lose. They hit the glycemic index much lower and are full of antioxidants. They are also higher in fiber and lower in sugar so you get the best bang for your buck. Say no to these grab and go fruit juices and yes to a moderate amount of fruits and an abundance of greens. Be patient, stay the course, and let’s get fit together. Tweet 0 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

All Pro Science: PreCharge Supplement Review

Pre-workouts are a highly requested review that we are asked to do here at Morellifit quite often. Of course some of you might know that Michael and most of our Morellifit Coaches use Grind Coffee as a pre-workout, but they are always wanting to try and bring the best information to you. This is why this week, Michael and Chris test out and talk about All Pro Science: PreCharge. Michael chose to review All Pro Science because he knows this company does a lot of the right things when it comes to supplements. They too have a grass-fed whey, even though its not an isolate like Primal Body, and it speaks to how natural the company tries to be. The pre-workout is labeled as “natural,” and even though we are not big on pre-workouts, when something is labeled as natural we tend to be curious about it. So to really give this product a fair trial, Michael tested it out for a week. He liked the way it made him feel while on it and working out, so he sent it out for further investigation. If this truly was an all natural product, then maybe there was a way for Morellifit to do an all natural pre-work out for Primal Body. Unfortunately, the data came back and told us that it was in fact, not an all natural supplement. There are actually some synthetic ingredients in it. There are actually some synthetic ingredients in it, and informed us, there is no way to make this product an all natural blend. A lot of pre-workout products on the market are not just made with caffeine anymore. They can also be paired with amino acids, branch chain amino acids, glutamine, creatine, and other variations of these things. Even though these seem like all good additives, these are not the only ingredients in your pre-workout. On top of those things they add additional stimulants other than caffeine, sometimes even stronger, that can be pounding away at your nervous system. That said, the caffeine in PreCharge is not coming from a bunch of chemicals, which is why it can probably be labeled as natural, but is actually just a natural form of caffeine. What we found is the amount of caffeine in this is relatively low. There is a mere 30mg a serving, which pales in comparison to an actual cup of coffee, which would be around 90mg a serving of caffeine. If you are someone who is very sensitive to caffeine and just want a little perk, with the added benefits of glutamine, amino acids, creatine, and B vitamins then this would be a good product. This is a product that won’t give you crazy jitters or make you go over the top when working out. All Pro Science: PreCharge pre-workout summary: Pro: Good flavor, no artificial taste. Natural caffeine used. No jitters and no crash. Cons: Not all ingredients are natural. Not a big boost of energy for those who already drink coffee or take other stimulants. Better as an intra-workout supplement based on the ingredients. This is a good product intra-workout due to the low levels of caffeine as well as this list of ingredients: 2g amino acids 3g creatine 4g glutamine 2g taurine 7g natural sweetened from cane sugar Plus a list of other vitamins and electrolytes Overall this product is one of the better ones out there in terms of how natural it is. This product can be good for someone wanting to switch to a less intense than a product than something like C4. If you were to cut out that product, or even a good amount of straight caffeine and reset, then this product would be something you could be successful on. It would be able to give you a little clarity and focus for your workouts with out the jitters or a crash. Tweet 0 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0


So, summoning up all his drive, he proactively sought out to learn from the best in the industry – and applying his typical hard-work ethic, completed 5 fitness certifications in under 6 months. That’s when the fun started. Combining the knowledge from his courses, over 100 fitness & nutrition related books, real world training examples and intense research; Michael created the product he is known for – HIIT MAX™. As well as HIIT MAX™, he has the 7-Day Detox Drop, Six-Pack Finishers, HIIT MAX ELITE, SpeedShred60, and Weights for Women to his name. 7 Day Detox Drop The simple step-by-step program to detoxify your body Jump-start your weight loss, boost your energy, and enhance your health. Six Pack Finishers How to Eat and Train for Six-Pack Abdominals Use this workouts as finishers to shred belly fat and carve out your six-pack. Speed Shred 60 Men The ULTIMATE 60-day Workout for Men Starting with as little as 10 minutes per session, even beginners get great results. Weights For Women Total Body Fitness Program for Women Only! The Fastest, Healthiest & Most Successful Body-Shaping/Sculpting Fitness Program That was May 2014. And in less than 24 short months, he has served his unique brand of fat-loss HIIT training to over 125,000 people and another almost 75,000 through his other products, programs, and services. He currently looks after a team of 6 hand-picked and highly-qualified coaches & nutritionists who daily deliver custom meal & training plans. His revolutionary book, a unique take on carb cycling, The Sweet Potato Diet will be in bookstores in Spring 2017. Plus, Michael’s own highly-researched supplement line, Primal Body, is expanding to include highly coveted detox greens and even more coveted brain boosting supplements. Michael’s new projects don’t stop there though. Michael will be leading a US, and UK tour, of HIIT MAX™ Live as well as heading the country wide HIIT MAX™ certification of trainers in national gyms. Aside from touring, HIIT MAX™ will be expanding into an app, customizable to each user, and includes the original training program, as well as new and changing workouts each month, and full follow along video workouts. When he is not transforming the lives of others, Michael resides in Arizona with his fiancée, two beautiful children and dog Bubba, and lives his life every day with passion, following his own personal motto: “Love others. Be honest, protect your integrity, and live with transparency” To Your Success,

7 Snacks That Ignite Your Metabolism

We all get hungry between meals. But, instead of reaching for cookies, you can snack on healthy foods that will actually help you burn the flab. Sounds too good to be true? Well, here’s the science behind these foods: certain foods contain a high thermogenic effect (the way it allows the body to generate heat or energy as it is digested). This results in a much higher metabolism over a period of time. Here are the best healthy snacks that help you burn fat, and crank up your metabolism as you chew. Lemon Lemon helps with fat loss because it’s a digestive aid and it helps to cleanse the liver. Besides this, it comes with a list of other health benefits. Lemon is antibacterial, antiviral, and contains tons of immune boosting powers. Snack options: I eat it throughout the day, and so can you. I drink a lot of water and so should you. Squeeze into your ice water. Add it to chicken and fish dishes. I also add it to any juices I blend. Hot Peppers: Capsiacin is the compound in chilli peppers that give them their kick. They essentially heat up your body, allowing you to melt away some extra calories. A perfect snack option when you’re on the run. Snack options: I have been adding peppers to all sorts of dishes. I am not a spicy-hit freak, so I add them sparingly. But, peppers of all kinds add fuel to your metabolic fire. Freshly Diced peppers are the best, but at the very least, try adding some cayenne pepper to your beef and poultry dishes. They will keep your metabolism revved up. Green Tea Many studies show that green tea extract increased thermogenesis. Credit EGCG (a compound in green tea brew) responds by speeding up your metabolism. Snack options: drink it either hot or cold, depending on the time of year and your climate. Another tip to turbocharge its fat burning effect is by consuming it first thing in the morning, before anything else. It will wake you up too. To increase your intake, keep a jug of iced green tea in the fridge (at work and at home). Lean meats Lean meats have a high thermogenic effect due to the protein. In fact, you’ll actually burn 30% of the calories that the food contains during digestion. In other words, if you eat a chicken breast containing a few hundred calories, your body will burn 90 of them during the digestive process. Snack options: I try to consume some meat at every meal. I recommend high quality lean meats. I usually tend to eat more grass fed beef & cage free organic chicken. However, this certainly isn’t an all or nothing proposition. Do the best you can. Special mention: Steve’s original sells a quality grassfed beef stick that I eat almost every day. Almond Butter Almond butter is rich in omegas, high in riboflavin, folate, vitamin E, and niacin. I probably eat more of this than I should. Thankfully it’s good for me. It doesn’t speed up your metabolism but it’s a great source of high quality fats and protein, and a little goes a long way. Here’s why I have included it in my top 7: most of us would admit to giving into our sweet tooth, at least a few times a month. And almond butter satisfies that craving for me. It’s leaps and bounds better to have a little almond butter, which has virtually no sugar and very little carbs, as opposed to snacking on candy. Snack options: I drop a tsp. or two on a few apple wedges, and presto! However, my favorite variety is nuts n more cinnamon raisin almond butter. It’s the best I’ve ever had. It’s all natural with no added sugar, and they pack it full of extra protein, omegas, and flax. Winning! Do your body a favor and reach for the almond butter instead of the horrible sugary products that give you an instant high, followed by a sickening low. Berries This one is for all those sugar addicts out there. Yes, you can burn body-fat by eating berries, and enjoy the experience. Berries can be also be taken anywhere (just throw them in a plastic container). Berries are the way to satisfy a sweet tooth. They are extremely rich in antioxidants and relatively low in carbs compared to other fruits. Snack options: Aim for a 1/2 cup of berries every day. Look, you could even throw some almond butter on them… Shh… Don’t tell anyone I told you. Giving away all my secrets. Eggs Studies show that eating eggs in the morning can help you manage hunger and help to decrease calorie consumption throughout the day. Don’t worry about “the great yolk debate”, it’s good for you despite what some may claim. The yolk actually contains the majority of the healthy nutrients such as, omega 3s, folate, vitamin A  & D and potassium. Snack options: I eat eggs all day long, and always in the mornings. More often than not, I toss a few eggs into the skillet along with some greens, onions and some lean meat. Call it a smorgasbord if you will but I absolutely love it. I love it so much I often have more for dinner. I’ll toss a couple eggs and some greens in with some grass fed lean ground beef. Try it. You’ll love me for it. Hard boiled eggs are a great snack option too… Easy to make a dozen at once and save them for the week. Summary So, now you have lots of snack ideas that will help you burn fat, feel full and energetic. They are all easily found in any supermarket or local store. Nothing too complicated here. Start adding these fat burning foods to your diet and daily routine. Throw some of them in your bag when you head out to work or school (eggs, berries, apple wedges with a little almond butter, a bottle

7 Ways To Know How Much Water To Drink Each Day

With so many varying opinions on daily water intake, who do you listen to? Some experts say 8 glasses, some say 10, and others will tell you to drink a gallon. Well, the reality is that most people don’t get anywhere near those amounts. So, don’t worry so much about finding the perfect answer – just drink more water. We all know the body needs water, but the amount needed will vary each day. The variation depends on physical activity, current health condition and the weather. With that in mind, here are 7 factors that will determine your daily intake: Your water consumption and weight have a positive correlation.  The heavier you are, the more water your body needs. Daily exercise output. How much you’re perspiring during exercise, the type and duration of the exercise all affect how much water you should be drinking. Do you have a fever or diarrhea? Your body loses additional fluids in these cases, and more water can also help flush out the body of toxins, possibly helping with these conditions. Are you pregnant? It’s hard work making a human! The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink about 10 cups of water per day. Are you breastfeeding? Large amounts of fluid are required in order for your body to produce breast milk for your baby. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women who are breastfeeding drink about 13 cups of water daily. Are you at a high altitude? Altitudes greater than 2,500 meters can trigger increased urination and rapid breathing, which use up more of your fluid reserves. Are you in a dry or humid climate? Hot or humid weather can cause you to sweat and requires additional fluid intake. Heated indoor air can also cause your skin to lose its moisture during the wintertime. Alcohol and caffeine intake. These types of beverages strip the body of water. One other thing: if you eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, about 20 percent of your water intake may already be coming from the foods you eat. It is important to really listen to your body. If you listen closely, your body will tell you exactly what it needs and when it needs it. Drink a good amount of water upon waking up first thing in the morning. Your body needs to revitalize itself after sleeping for many hours and will give you a boost of energy to being your day. Do not attempt drinking the majority of your daily water intake all at once; spread it out throughout the day. Taper off as you approach bedtime. Drinking too much water before bed can result in interrupted sleep patterns, leaving you tired the next day. Experiment with your water intake; make a log for a few days to a week and track when and how much water you drink and then record how you feel throughout the day. You will notice a major difference (in terms of mood and energy) when you are properly hydrated. You will also be able to burn fat more quickly.   Tweet 0 Share 0 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0

5 Nutrition Musts For Any Diet To Thrive

Every diet I’ve ever read ALWAYS claims to be the best out there. I believe there are some solid choices and some others that are not so hot. One thing I know based on hundreds of client trails, is that there are 5 things that if implemented correctly will take any diet to the next level. Maybe you are doing just fine on your current regimen… I can assure that if you take a minute to dial in the 5 things from this video, the diet you think is doing just fine, will be that much better. Nutritional Guidelines: 1. Protein Consumption (both male and female) 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Eat your protein first, chew it slowly. 2. Hydration Status (this doesn’t include other beverages) One-half body weight in ounces per day. 3. Food Quality (stick to whole foods from as close to nature as possible) Lean meats, vegetables, nuts and seeds, little fruit, little starch, no sugar. This means nothing processed, no refined carbs, and no sugars. 4. Frequency (consistency is key) Everyone’s schedule allows for something different. Don’t get hung up on having to eat a certain number of times because you have been told to do so. The important thing is to get all of your macros in, whether that’s 3 square meals or 6 small meals. Consistency is what you are after here. 5. Food Intolerance Tracking (how you feel after each meal) Be aware of how you feel. And make note of it. Most professionals don’t even go here. But, it’s so important to your long-term health and wellness. Use a simple scoring system in your food log. Then remove those foods from your diet for 21 to 30 days. You can reintroduce those foods to pinpoint your food intolerances, and then make your decision on whether or not to get rid of them all together. By implementing the above, you will dramatically improve your diet, mood, energy levels, and even sleep patterns. Give them a shot, stay consistent, and then let me know how they are working for you.   Tweet 1 Share 49 +1 0 Reddit Pocket Pinterest LinkedIn 0